So apparently the quote is actually by Charles Darrow, lawyer from the Scopes Monkey Trial and not Mark Twain, but I stand by it...
So apparently the quote is actually by Charles Darrow, lawyer from the Scopes Monkey Trial and not Mark Twain, but I stand by it...
“Can’t they even take a joke? We were just pranking them with our two ton death machine.”
And the reason you took one of their bikes?
“Well they probably stole them, because they’re so...”
No further questions, your honor...
Did they post a black square on social media when everyone else did? That could be a free spot in the middle of the board.
It’s uncanny how fast conservatives will pivot from “Facts don’t care about your feelings!” and “Can’t you take a joke??”
I guess all GOP abusers try to sneakily shove their political will through to try to impose on everyone and hurt them at least once
I’ve also read that Trump tends to wait to take the stage, wanting to ramp up the crowd with anticipation. But this time, he was out there at 7:15, when it was supposed to start. People are taking that as a sign of how mad he was at the debacle.
They don’t want to live like cowards with their coronavirus waivers....
It was reported that six Trump campaign staffers tested positive for Covid 19 this morning and are quarantined in Tulsa and that after the rally, two Secret Service agents also tested positive.
Oh no. How. Horrible. For them. I feel such...
bUt WhAt aBoUt oUr HiStOrY?????
If that’s good enough for the Parzident of Amurka....
There really is a point when that’s liberating, isn’t it?
For anyone and everyone wanting to defend the show about “what about the good cops”, please read Confessions of a Former Bastard Cop. It’s a clear explanation of how the system is set up to weed out the Good Cops and encourage a militaristic, us v. them mentality.
And they got the boot! No details, may never get them, but within the past hour it happened.
In Seattle, the local labor council (a union of unions, basically) is voting on whether to keep the police union in or not. Fantastic, yeah?
The GOP: “It’s the least we could do...”
The Seattle Police Department has engaged in some seriously shady campaigns against the CHAZ. They started by letting everyone know that it was CERTAIN that the protesters would burn down the precinct the minute the cops pulled out. Didn’t happen, hasn’t happened and it’s actually being guarded against by the people…
NASCAR was founded by Southerners who had been trying to transport moonshine (illegal liquor) during Prohibition.
They became police for the same reason Donald Trump wanted to be president: PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER!!!!!!!
I should think that is NOT Lady G. That woman has more decorum than the Distinguished... umm....