
Welfare queens are the worst!

You’re right, I’m just a beta cuck soy boy *SOB!*

Well they sure as hell aren’t eating that Hagen-Dazs, because that’s from Yurp and we beat them in World War Two!

2018: “Facts don’t care about your feelings, libtard!

“This is no joke. We should all be concerned about the implications of being labeled as ‘non compliant’ or wearing a badge of ‘compliance,’” Vance wrote.

He should take all of it because he’s, like, the biggest important person right now with all the favoritest ideas ever. Bigly.

It’s always “funny” to see how the whole “facts don’t care about your feelings” rhetoric can shift on a dime for these people.

Hell, I don’t even want to go to a farmer’s market right now, and they’ve opened a couple of them here in Seattle. *shudder*

It’ll never happen. Mitch McConnell had eight years to apply his flabby remora-like lips to Obama’s backside and he didn’t. Something about the wrong color.

“If they wanted us to read it, they should have printed it as a board book, preferably with pages set aside for Trump to color in!”

Congress passed the Stock Act in 2012


Hell, just put up a couple dozen Obama cardboard cutouts and watch him stroke out at his desk.

Clearly, he didn’t open the state with the proper invocation of “OH MIGHTY TRUMP! ACCEPT THESE, MY OFFERINGS OF BLOOD, THAT YOU MAY PROSPER!!!”

Nah, she’ll Kickstart it and offer all the dirt on Gaiman’s predilections for a $10,000 donation. For $20,000 she’ll keep it to herself.

I went off Gaiman after I realized that his novels involve a nondescript guy in a relationship that’s going nowhere fast with a controlling woman (who may cheat on him) until he meets a girl who is just Different, whereupon they go off on an Adventure. During this adventure, it turns out that he is Very Imporant But

For a while there, my favorite cafe was staffed by three people from Michigan, including the manager who was from my neck of the woods and one of the baristas who actually had one or two of the same professors I had in college, albeit a couple years after I left. It was hilarious.

Michigan trying to become the Florida of the Midwest, just because it’s got two peninsulas.

It’s.... weird. And I don’t quite know how to explain it.