
A couple months ago, I saw a guy waring a T-Shirt that read “F*** FEAR!”

But you see how Trump isn’t making it all political?

I think it’s one or two steps above “sandwich engineer”.

If you’ve new read it, I suggest hunting down Evan Dorkin’s World’s Funnest comic for this very reason. Bat Mite and Mxylptk (or however...) fight their way across pretty much every part of the DC multiverse. Snide comments about art styles, each other’s idiocy and, yes, a swing by the Hall of Justice where they

I wonder if she’s ever experienced a Tami Tingle ever. Self-induced or other, not judging the method. 

Lumineers... to the rescue!!!!

Login name: cblakeley

Same here. I was in college when Pulp Fiction came out and I was at Just The Right Time In My Life to LOVE it. I’ve not seen all his films, but I liked what I saw, dug what he did...

Daily? Christ, her staff should ask her every time she makes a request for a coffee or to get something from the office printer.

The people who insist you don’t need the internet or a smart phone these days blow my goddam mind. How else are you supposed to apply for jobs online if you’re not... online?

And all of this after EIGHT YEARS of dissing Obama, calling out every single one of his failures, his embarrassments, his decisions as slights against the country.

Please that’s entirely too formal.

It was betacuck soy boy crybaby lefty liberal socialists who hate America so much they keep voting for the other party instead of mah parz’dent (as we say in Indiana).

Oh I’m having painful memories from my days in high school in Model UN, and the practice sessions that would devolve literally into two or three people hovering over the tattered Merriam-Webster in our classroom to read out definitions. We predated Bill Clinton’s masterful “depends on what ‘is’ is” defense by a good

“And what the fuck does he think his rallies are?”

A friend of mine sent me the trailer and... it... could... be... OK? I mean, seriously, I’ve gone from not giving a single shit about this to having Opinions. I mean, I was given the poems before the musical came out and was just the right age to be a little obsessive about the musical as a kid. So there I am, in my

You take that back! His Phantom of the Opera, in which a hideously deformed musical prodigy who manipulates his way into a relationship with a young ingenue played by Sarah Brightman isn’t at all autobiographical!

over a measly $1,200

The animation was amazing, that opening scene alone... god that was glorious.

Well of course. Those people never consider the real possibility that they may find themselves in the position of having to take one of those shitty jobs for themselves. Or they’re painfully aware of that notion but want to take comfort in the fact that they will never be made redundant, their skills will always be in