
Absolutely, but it wouldn’t have the same effect. It wouldn’t matter the same way as the initial actions because this is practically the Platonic ideal of bullying. Seriously, all this shit (this guy and Steve King and every other one of these limp-dicked, alpha trash assholes) is just my seventh grade writ large.

Civility, you say?

Remember when he was just a fair to middling sports columnist? Good times...

I’m... curious. Especially for any kind of critique/satire about modern art.

“ and she’s.not.havin’it.”

From what I understand, that’s pretty much what the Harry Potter play is.

I am so wishing I was there. And, yeah, if you’re building a snow fort, you’re probably going down to shirt sleeves to stay comfortable.

Take your fucking star, you beautiful bastard!

Coming from the small town of Hemlock, MI* (technically a “census designated place), I have left behind people who wanted to stay behind. And it breeds people who love the simplicity, love the peacefulness and, now that Hemlock’s one grocery store closed last year, love living in a food desert. Because that’s all they

There’s an episode of the podcast “Denzel Washington is the Greatest Actor Of All Time Period” where they had Spike Lee on as a guest to talk, of course, about Malcolm X. It’s all fascinating, I recommend checking it out, but the story that stuck with me was about how far Denzel went into the character. One day they

There’s a billboard a mile or so away from my house that says “You won’t worry about robots taking over your job... if you’re already retired!”

It’s been a while since I saw the documentary, but I seem to recall that Colleen (the “Col” in Marwencol) was a little creeped out by some of the stories Mark was telling. At one point he was talking about how “Hoagie” (his action figure alter ego) was going to marry Colleen in such glowing details that she had to

I’ve been waiting for such a cogent and concise translation of Mattis’s letter all damn day and I am delighted to see you’ve knocked it out of the park yet again. 


I’ve got nothing directly related to this, but I have volunteered as a gift wrapper at a fair number of bookstores over the years and every time I have to wrap any kind of self help book, I want to wave the buyer over and tell them to reconsider. Or at least make sure this is something the recipient asked for specifica

Those tweets are way too coherent to actually be Trump, though. Clearly Pence or Giuliani or maybe even McConnell swiped his phone while Trump was gorging on KFC and wrote this because it made sense to them and if it could convince FOX viewers.....

I had a principal in seventh grade tell me he didn’t believe I was being bullied even as I was crying in the school office and the bullies were on the other side of the glass waiting for me to come back out.

Now playing

I’ve been thinking that every god damn time these shit stains try to make people afraid of nothing. The caravan, the “alt left”, all those filthy trans trying to molest your children...

Now playing

Please please please tell me the title is a Dara O’Briain reference?

Other women should Know Better than to be in That Kind of Situation. That’s Betsy DeVos in a nutshell.