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It worked out well for Thomas Dolby. Mind you, he was already blinded by science.

The man is so irrelevant he’s gonna need a Ouija board to release his next statement. 

Honestly, I need to keep this image on my phone so I can post it wherever I go.

What utter nonsense. How can you call it hate crime when these paragons of whiteness appear to love crime so damn much?

Don’t you think he looks tired?

I’m still a little stunned by people on social media who are still shocked by his callousness. “What would it take or him to show a little decency?!”

This month’s Harper’s Magazine has a collection of Lindsey quotes about Trump from before the election to after and it’s a slow progression from “He’s a menace” to “One hell of a golf player”.

I don’t have the snark for this. Just... the fuck?

She my love beer, but does she have friends to love beer with? Boys and girls?


I checked out hard from a podcaster I loved before the Democratic primaries between Bernie and Hillary when he started ranting for about a minute about how “If you don’t vote for Hillary, you’re sexist!!!”

Office Space is a fine documentary and I won’t hear a word against it.

That one guy? Yeah, he did. The next one didn’t. That’s the thing, it’s so rarely just one asshole, it’s a posse. It’s a system.

Because everything leading up to the fight isn’t harassment or hate speech or threats. It’s joking around. It’s just talk. It’s played off as innocuous and “kids will be kids” and golly gee, can’t you stop being so sensitive?


I’m with you. On the one hand, yeah there are a LOT of things that kids do at that age that are stupid and offensive and ideally serve as learning experiences and opportunities for growth. Hell, I think back to some of the shit I did thirty odd years ago and want to write letters of apology. So, yeah, slack should be

OK so I’ve watched all four films multiple times... because I happen to love Rifftrax. Holy hell, the joy I take from listening to those guys rip these films apart is incalculable. The sheer number of times the joke is basically the two characters staring at each other while Bill or Kevin chime in “Line? Liiiine?”

It’s not a quitting story, but I will cherish the last night I worked a closing shift as a bagger in high school/college. Just the moment where the boss (very “keep your apron Just So” kind of personality) wanted to chew me out because there was nothing to do and, yes, I should pretend that I’m busy.

Amazon announced that they’d be donating $1.5 million to Seattle for its mass transit a couple months ago and of course people took offense at the folks who questioned the (relatively) low cash donation. “We should be grateful!”

The hurricane is totally disrespecting the flag. Boycott!!!!