
Exactly! I don’t need a purge-by-election every X years, just an ebb and flow to it. Not only am I tired of Old White Guys, I’m tired of OLD, dusty, drab, bullshit politics. There’s value to age (Maxine Waters, John Lewis) but this? Hell no.

The thing that amazes and angers me most about this very welcome wave of Congressional upsets is how often the incumbent has already served five or more terms. Just... what? Why?

Yyyyep! “Let’s carry on and quietly try to undo the damage of the horse that’s loose in the hospital.”


Sometimes you need to wait for the audience to catch up...

Benghazi Pizzagate Fake News.

That second letter inspires a full body shudder from me. I had a (thankfully, relatively) brief relationship with a woman who did pretty much the same thing. She’d regularly call me at night in tears saying she was depressed but rebuff me if I offered to walk over (she wouldn’t buzz me in to the building) then yell at


Discussion and debate are not “bad intentions.”

This sounds like trying to graft the MTV Movie Awards on for one category, which totally doesn’t make it a participation trophy.

Yeah we absolutely need a third party, but it needs to be viable. And more importantly, this is something that needs to be built up from strong foundations over time, not something to be invoked at the last minute by some well intentioned but naive (and let that be the worst thing about them) “savior” who doesn’t know

I remember reading someone from the Parks department decrying her actions because it shut down the Statue of Liberty and that was just plain selfish of her.

I read a comment online that said that this, more than anything else, was fascism.

See when Republicans are talking about America being a “Christian” nation? They mean like this. Obsequious, polite and sucking up.

They’ve got to have one place left to launder all their money...

“It was an awful mistake and obviously I don’t know how to explain it...”

Yep. And heaven help you if you just like it a bit. This kind of groupthink always turns me off, whether it’s in fandom or a social group. The minute “the community” or “the Thing We Like” is that sacred or untouchable is the minute I find myself checking out.

Joke’s on her, good luck finding a virgin in DC.

I’ve never really liked wearing concert t-shirts or logos. They make me feel very self-conscious. Then again I was the odd one out in a small school (I graduated in a class of 90 or so students) so I found myself the regular subject of disdain for that kind of thing and I’m still digging myself out from under that.