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    Seattle’s Mayor has reaffirmed that it’s a sanctuary city.

    Putin is a gotdamn supervillain.

    I guess he’s not comfortable when he isn’t in his own bed. AW DIDDUMS.

    There are valid problems to have with him but when I read that I was all “I liiiiive!” Now to see if he follows through.

    We are going to be Russia Jr. soon.


    We’re taught that racism is bad, but not what it really looks like.

    Not saying that to excuse her because she doesn’t deserve it. Just saying it to say it.

    Plus, they probably see racism as something bad people do and no one thinks of themselves as a bad person, so they can’t possibly be racist even though they’re racist as fuck.

    “My dick may not function but I have not lost my smile.”



    He wants to keep doing rallies tho

    Hahaha [starts sobbing]

    I’m just trying to say that suppression contributed, not that it’s the main or only explanation.

    I’ve been like a cross between the old bespectacled gentleman on the far right and Dean Thomas.


    He cares about our shithole of a country, so it makes sense.


    Now playing

    He probably watched this version of Schoolhouse Rock:

    I won’t, but there was also voter suppression.

    He always looks at Obama like a proud dad.