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    Don’t let some clown named DAFFODIL push you around, Meatball!

    Do you think that Piers Morgan and Katie Hopkins hang out and act terribly together?

    “Least favorite Jay-Z cheating rumor?: that he’s hooked up with Gwyneth. Goop, please. She wishes.”

    It’s either the hot dog or you!

    mm, hot dog.

    People tried to brush of Dylan Roof’s racism.

    A lot of men got SO ANGRY about this movie.



    I am very much looking forward to this movie.

    - Get in that ass, Bette!

    I “get” all this intellectually yet I can’t help but think “Boo frickety hoo” at attractive people’s problems.

    This isn’t even a “First world problem.”

    There was supposed to be a movie about ODB with Michael K. Williams in the role. I don’t know what happened to it.

    [wipes away a tear]


    “When Diggle read Ollie the riot act over Felicity I knew I was over Arrow.”

    So Diggle is still basically their relationship therapist?

    I hate Felicity and Friends so much.

    She had potential to be an interesting character but...haha...

    Breakfast burritos? Cheesy crust? Bazillion potato chips? I’m hungry. :(

    “BRB, gonna go shower until all my skin burns off!”