Does he not know he has 280? That would be awesome.
Does he not know he has 280? That would be awesome.
There’s always NASCAR, monster truck shows and gun ranges.
Given your point about how the GOP votes party over person, maintaining a 51-49 Senate edge kind of does end well for them.
I thought it was spelled “schyster.” Am I wrong on that?
“Fall down and die” is a perfectly legitimate request that keeps guys in sunglasses from knocking on your front door.
She’s wearing Corey Lewandowski’s married cum on her chin.
As my father used to say, “He’s lower than whale shit.”
Oh my goodness, someone who understands the difference between percent and percentage points. Bless your heart and brain, my dear.
This summer Brooke Baldwin of CNN - who isn’t anything special when it comes to anchoring/hosting/analyzing news - did a bit where she read all of the idiotic things Trump had done in just the first three weeks of that month (August?). It took her 2 plus minutes to read and she had to stop and take a sip of water a la…
Starred for Sham-Wows. Long live Vince.
I can’t imagine 79.5 percent of Americans responding to a mass mailing if they were promised a certified check for doing so.
Imagine how I feel at 54, and I have a relative who cuts my hair once a month for free. These guys are paying to look like that.
As Denzel said in Training Day, “It’s all good, baby.”
I’m glad this was done for you. It shows that there is much good in the world of Kinja. I am in a similar situation and have been for some time. But as long as people engage in fun fashion I’m kinda OK with it. I enjoy reading your posts, BTW.
Not just money and opinions. Coming from (in many cases) an awful starting point and earning everything they have through talent, determination and hard work.
The abject ignorance of those people was staggering. And it appeared to be town-wide. How does that much stupid end up in one place?
This could have been so much better. It’s almost lazy.
Agree. As someone on Twitter noted tonight, they were in church and probably already deeply immersed in thoughts and prayers. A lot of good that did them.
It sounds to me like what you’re truly enduring is Alabama.
And your problem with Trump having a stroke of any kind is what, exactly?