
It was awesome. The retired Judge Brown would have been proud of that level of shade. And from an old!

That’s EXACTLY what she was alluding to, with the cherry on top of if they die quicker, the state saves money.

I see the fundamental basis for your arguments but I don’t agree with them, primarily because they are grounded in an inability to see beyond your property line.

Not only do free needle exchanges work, the withholding of them has an even more dramatic negative effect. Mike Pence ended the needle exchange plan in Indiana and within weeks had an HIV epidemic on his hands.

I would LOVE a Newsom-Harris ticket but he is going to be Cal Guv next year.


Nah, he is stupid. And even if you don’t think so, he’s racist, which is ignorant, which implies stupidity.

It seems as if today may be an ungrey day. So as long as you’re feeling especially giving ...

Even when we win, we lose. Twice. In less than a generation.

Like Biden. Who will win the general.

Yes, Kim. Thanks for the correction. Perhaps I would have saved myself some embarrassment by simply saying “that holier-than-thou asshole from Kentucky.”

Not really surprising. Life insurance policies usually see parents leave something to spouse and kids, not kids to parents. Kids grow up, become parents and leave to their own kids.

Not disagreeing with you, but I think it also might be a scenario where he has to be entirely deferential and cannot make it about him in any way, shape or form. And his awful narcissism and lack of attention span doesn’t allow him to do that, even for a lousy 10 minute phone call.

Critical thinking is an important skill and a lost art.

Not only did she know them, she started a mentorship program in her district in which La David was a member. So she also lost someone very close to her.

Hadn’t seen/heard this version with Blue Monday/The Beach. Very pleasantly surprised. Thanks.

And I don’t have a problem with this. But you know, there’s this funny thing I do whenever a TV show comes on that I don’t like. I ignore it by changing the channel. If no one goes to this for the sheer spectacle - and by no one, I mean no rubberneckers, no news outlets, no anti-protestors - who is he speaking to,

You mean like Kate Davis?

Recipes are like basketball plays. Everyone tweaks something that has been around forever.

Best logo in all of sports.