Lol at this odyssey is a beast especially 2018+ I sell Hondas and I would buy it. Can’t tell you how many times I rip an old bimmer or benz at a stop light lol
I sell Hondas. Review the 2018 odyssey it’s a masterpiece for a minivan.
My uncle was a paraplegic due to a diving accident. He always had awesome cars Saab 900 turbos convertible and sedan and he and I restored a 60s beetle convertible for his then girlfriend. I was 8 or so at the time and he and my father got me started as a gear head. I always thought it was incredible how he drove with…
Just a note...I sell these. While the sport 6spd hatch is a blast to difficult to get in the real world. Best configuration to get would be 2.0 manual coupe. Which is exactly what I own. Needs better tires but the engine sounds great and makes peak hp 250rpm under redline. Traction control off and it’s a…
I will be one of the first real people to drive one. I sell Hondas for a living and my dealer is getting 2 at first. One we will keep and one to sell. I will flog this thing first chance I get.
I sell these. They are far and away superior to the 2016. Anyone in southeast mass area feel free to respond. Amazing improvements my biggest gripes were the whiny cvt lack of power and girly styling. All have been addressed. The new shifter shape is also an amazing plus. The touring is incredible.