
I dunno faggot, I’m way too busy being balls deep in your mother’s ass to read this whole post. Mind posting a shorter tl;dr you goddamn retard?

I know this might not be the place but, YOU CANT BLANKET BLAME ALL OF OUR KIND!

I too am curious if the updates make the story more sensible.

I haven’t played since the initial release. Have any of the patches and dlc released done anything to make the story any less of a colossal clusterfuck?

Jesus Christ this post reeks of a lonely man’s desperation like no other.

I’m sure women can probably fuck things up like us if we just give them the opportunity. Women can do anything.

Healthy? Probably not. Profitable? Hell yeah.

I bet your fun at party’s.

Shorting BTC has huge returns though, no one is telling you to go all in on shorting BTC here. If you invest for a living I’m sure you understand diversification. So again, instead of just talking shit why don’t you just short it?

This also makes it seem like it’s particularly difficult or even shady. Getting your money out of BitCoin almost anywhere is as easy as any kind of money transfer.

Is this really needed? not to act like this isnt needed or sound like an ass, but if you are in any crypto you should know how to get out, otherwise you shouldnt even be in it in the first place.

Apologies in advance, Patricia, as this is going to come off more harshly than I intend. As best as I can tell, the only people who care about this are the same people who complain about Peach in Mario games, which is to say opinion writers. The other 99% enjoy the games for what they are and all the traditions large

There couldnt be anything more pathetic.

hate to break it to you, but “newsworthy” isn’t just the shit that makes you smile

Was really hoping for more drastic adjustments like addressing the flawed weapon system. Don’t get me wrong, this post is a small step in the right direction, but a lot of these adjustments are small bandages on a gushing wound.

Jesus. Nobody is forcing you to spend money on anything. The only people that loot boxes etc... ‘prey’ on are those who are incapable of delaying their own gratification. Here’s a suggestion for those who feel like they are being victimized by optional, often completely cosmetic microtransactions. It’s going to really

I just picked the game up again after about half a year of not playing it. Just before the discovery was made I finally beat Gascoigne. It took way way to long to adapt from playing Nioh lemme tell you that.

Informative critique, thanks for sharing.

The answers to your questions are quite simple:

0-4 with 5.67 ERA in 27 innings in the World Series. No, that is not Clayton Kershaw’s numbers but rather Justin Verlander, the guy who the experts kept saying the Dodgers needed to avoid in an elimination game. Mind you, Verlander is a future Hall of Fame pitcher but his WS numbers are awful and that narrative got