
She shouldn’t have lost her job due to a mob of angry gamers.

Good thing he’s not doing that, then.

They set the standard of firing people who randomly insult their fans.

None of what you just said contradicts, or even addresses, anything I said.  

I’ve said it on reddit and Twitter and I’ll say it here:

There was nothing “condescending” about Deroir’s post. It’s exactly the sort of respectful feedback and suggestions I’d expect and encourage from a fan-base, to be honest. And there’s was absolutely nothing misogynistic about it, so for her to make it out to be an issue with her gender was projection at best, and an

It came down to her insulting members of the community. Not in a “I’m insulted by what you said” way, but actual name calling. If you’re speaking on the behalf of the company you work for, you can’t do that.

Taking the original twitter spat alone, her behavior was ridiculous. She posted a multi-tweet essay, essentially, to a public space. Someone respectfully commented on that essay and she began passively insulting him.

She was already on warning after she celebrated Total biscut dying of cancer.

she was being vulgar and a misandrist. using profanity at people being respectful toward you when you misunderstood is just wrong. she deserved to be fired.

“By the time that guy came along, I was so tired of having random people explain my job to me in company spaces where I had to just smile and nod that it was like, ‘No. Not here. Not in my space,’”

Eh. It’s a BAD Star Wars movie. There’s a difference.

“What are you confused about?

What are you confused about?

That’s the same logic Trump supporters use when they say that Trump’s mistakes don’t matter because Obama made mistakes too. 

You know, some people also didn’t like The Last Jedi because it’s a structurally questionable movie with some bad writing and underdeveloped (or underused) characters.

Can we PLEASE.......STOP. CALLING. PLAYING. VIDEO. GAMES........ “Sports”

I’ve been playing a ton of this, it’s awesome. Pros for me:

I think the forges are the best thing the game brings to the table. They force encounters, and punish turtling. And requiring a kill to forge your class weapon just encourages this even more.

While I’m not black, I am a 6'2" 200+lb male who has been playing female characters since the first Diablo. Nearly always the best decision.