
Pop quiz, hotshot: You’ve caught feels for this woman. ... What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO?

Do yourself a favor and do NOT read the replies to that linked Rodrigue tweet. I don’t know what her offensive tweets where, and maybe they were awful, but good lord Twitter is an absolute cesspool. I don’t understand why so many celebrities and media folks use it daily.

Yep. Just 30 minutes ago, I called this network a self-parody of liberalism, where even the most innocuous shit gets shredded for being offensive.

It’s only simple and inexpensive over short distances. Big house? PC and TV in different rooms? Now you’ve gotta worry about buying longer HDMI cables (which are more costly and not readily available at most retail outlets), figuring out how to lay them so they don’t create a tripping hazard, and if it’s more than

I still, to this day, cannot undestand how can someone enjoy WATCHING other people play, instead of playing the game themselves. I never watch gameplay videos, unless it’s just a tiny part to see if the game is worth my money so I can play it.

Well that’s the whole point of console exclusives, ain’t it?
*Sideway glance at Microsoft*

... Said right after the announcement of DOOM and Wolfenstein II coming to Switch...

There are few things I want IN LIFE more than a full, real, Xeneogears remake. I would give up my livelihood for that shit!

Pretty sure the Chargers don’t need to worry about filling the position of trophy manager.

No, people like you are the problem. An attack on innocent people is never called for. What’s the big complaint here, that some insecure whites needed coddling and everyone is too upset and ain’t got no time for that? Really? Then don’t f*ing coddle them. Move on. Taking the time to craft a lengthy, whiny rant

No. You are.

Well obviously you aren’t going to need a jacket up on that fucking cross you’ve put yourself on, hoss.

He’s DMing girls from his own personal twitter in private conversations. Not every single waking second of his life online is subject to scrutiny for professionalism. They could have just as easily told him to stop, blown him off, ignored him ect ect. But none of that ever happened, the only real evidence came from

Having just purchased a Nintendo Switch, I would now disagree with that statement (although in the past I was all for Nintendo going third-party). Their hardware isn’t spec-impressive, but as a functional whole it does enhance the player experience. I love the fact that I can play Zelda at home, then un-dock it and

Yeah... no. The old one is blurry and your imagination somehow filled in gaps with artistic reasoning. It didn’t lose any “soul”.

I see a difference. The PS4 version looks better. That’s the difference. Guy who wrote this article is a hipster contrarian.

“The gameplay remains untouched” The fact that the writer wrote that means he doesn’t know enough about the game to be qualified to write a post about it. Typical kotaku writers though.

People who prefer the PS2's “quality” visuals are the same people who think VHS offers an experience you can’t get with Blu-ray and that the distortion and low fidelity fuzzing sounds on ancient LP’s are better than than crystal clear audio where you can hear all the instruments.

he’d go from second fiddle to a 6'8" SF with great offense and good defense in an easy conference to second fiddle to a 6'7" SF with good offense and great defense in a super hard conference.