
Any of these would do.


I'm still using the original iPhone. In fact, I have two iPhones: the original one and the iPhone 4. One personal and the other one for work. I've been waiting a couple of years now for it to die so I could buy a new one, but it never did.

Why is she upset? She is what she is.

It IS compatible with Nexus 7. One of the admin on their forums says so. It's a distribution issue from Google Play, apparently.

"I said, get in!"

Now playing

For some reason, kinda reminds me of Chrono Cross' intro.

Yes, please!

What's good about that book?

That's my guess also.

That means there's a good chance we will get a teaser for Versus XIII at either E3 or TGS this year.

The employee worked for Alpine Access. He signed a non-disclore agreement in order to get hired. In that NDA it said that you must not disclose who the customers are. In this case, he disclosed that Microsoft was a customer of Alpine Access, therefore violating the NDA he signed. That alone is a good reason to get

I'm with Pedulia and TmF. In order to be hired, he signed a contract. Now if he breaks the contract, it's definitely a good enough reason to get fired.

Laissez-nous donc nous amuser en paix, calisse! ;o)

Laissez-nous donc nous amuser en paix, calisse! ;o)

They're probably all coincidences.

Wow, Metcalfe really got his ass handed to him on Tech Talk.

No. It's actually both.

Yeah I know. I was simply stating the similarity of the temperature ranges.