
Your statement about Mercury being tide-locked is not entirely true. Mercury is too small (vs. Sun) to have a 1:1 rotation/orbital period. Instead, it's 3:2, and therefore everyone on Mercury gets to see sunlight at some point. It's really only a matter of Mercury having no atmosphere that causes the nights to be

Very similar to Mercury: 450°C daytime, -180°C nighttime.

Wait, those cars run on Cheetos and Mountain Dew??

Yeah WTH?!

I'm 15 hours in and I have absolutely no regrets spending $30 on this.

About damn time!!

Steve Jobs would never have allowed this.

Thanks! I was looking for a way to update without losing my game save files. Duh!

I want it NAO!!

I'll try it. Too bad they didn't include the original Pitfall!

I'll try it. Too bad they didn't include the original Pitfall!

Something something 15...

When will people understand that we won't see FFvXIII until SE is done milking FFXIII with sequels and DLC??

Well done, Brian!

Now playing

Everything looked EXTREME back in the day.

Must be good to lose $2.8B and not go bankrupt...

Indeed. Her mouth looks quite welcoming.

I've been in one of those places with my Japanese rep. I think it was in Shinagawa. I don't speak much Japanese, and the girl didn't speak much English, but she still had to entertain me. It was still pretty fun though.

Bayrou a mon vote!

Sweet Jesus...