why don’t you try covering interesting films and writing interesting articles instead of this marvel crap no one with taste cares about anymore? this site is basically over
why don’t you try covering interesting films and writing interesting articles instead of this marvel crap no one with taste cares about anymore? this site is basically over
I just watched the episode while visiting my folks. They don’t really know who Oscar Isaac is and they both thought the actor was actually English until the final scene when we actually get see Mark speak; they then recognised him as the dude from Star Wars...which probably says something about Isaac’s skill as an…
Unlike Grunkle Stan, White Dragon isn’t allowed to punch bald eagles!
I was pretty worried in the early episodes that they were going to try to give White Dragon a redemption story where he teams up against the butterflies. Nice to see James Gunn is smart enough not to do that.
He’s not dumb, he’s a psychopath. Details that don’t matter to him don’t register in his brain.
The reveal of Chris’ cut-up face after tying the helmet to the raccoon was great, as was Economous’ line. :-D
I still hold that first season of Daredevil as the BEST Marvel show to date. First season of Jessica Jones is a close second.
I beg you, do not remind me about his What-If reviews.
Critics are often out of touch. It isn’t just critics, but a lot of people in and around the industry lose perspective on the real world or get caught up in all the inside baseball. It doesn’t help whn most of a critic’s social interactions are on Twitter. Twitter is not representative of the the real world, but…
lol this article
Maybe the show was just meant to be lighter and fun like the comic books that inspired it? Not everything has to be serious and dark.
It’s also a charmingly realistic take on combat. Everyone else is a lithe, svelte world champion martial artist with superpowers, and (until now) Kingpin’s superpower is just... he’s fucking big dude, and he’s reeeaally angry. Which I think is frightening to the audience in a much more visceral way. It’s one thing to…
I got a big smile from the mid credit scene but expected someone sitting in the rear of the theater, it was shot like that was being set up......
Surely given the subject matter of the film, the grade should have been C++?
Two things. First, I knew that Echo/Maya was getting her own show. Second, that doesn’t address my criticism at all. Like in anyway. Unless the show’s full title is: ‘Hawkeye: Man Maya is the bestest’. The forced inclusion of Maya is still hurting the overall show for me.
They’ve had actors in multiple roles before; Sersi in Eternals was identical to Minn-Erva in Captain Marvel with a different skin color.
I cannot comprehend Echo. Like at all. While I initially was intrigued by her coming show, now I’m annoyed because there doesn’t be a set of rules that apply to what she can and cannot do.
This show shouldn’t be named “Discovery,” as there’s barely any exploration being done apart from the seasonal big bad. It should be named Star Trek: Feelings.
She attempts to disfigure her mom’s fiance, later suggests he’s a murderer and her mom barely gives her a stern talking to. Most people, regardless of age, would get at least yelled at.
I agree, but Kate’s clearly coming from a place of privilege that makes her extra so. Her introduction as an adult is her destroying a historical building - accidentally, sure, but that whole stunt was for no reason - and the punishment being a total slap in the wrist because she can afford to no sell any…