
I’ve had to ghost someone for my own mental health, and I felt like such an asshole. I went on one date, still new to the dating game after separating from my long term partner. So needless to say I was rusty.
Anyway, I met this guy and he seemed dorky, and sweet, and in hindsight, very much like my ex, so I really

Honestly the worst part about any one sided relationship is the torture that is knowing that you think about them 99.9% of the time and yet you wonder if they think about you AT ALL. To quote the great Neko Case, “I just can’t stand the feeling that I’m nothing in your eyes”

Yeah I think men maybe get comfy with that sort of graphic talk sooner than women? Even if I’m sleeping with someone, if I’m not really into them, written sex stuff is... Sterile and offputting? It's about knowing he respects me before I am comfortable getting super dirty.

Been there. Ugh. Super nice guy, had a great time, our friends got along, etc. No red flags to speak of. We hadn’t gotten past semi-chaste goodnight kisses yet.

I had the exact same thing, twice. I think both times the guys were taking the easy way out, i.e. be a feeble douche, then when the girl gives up and dumps them, they’ve avoided having to deal with it themselves. That said, I think girls see the complexities behind this stuff more, my experience has been that guys are

definitely not dead. Just a jackass

I will tell you how. When you dated for 5 years and found out he was fucking the city of Miami after you broke into his phone....after he wrecked your car 8 exits south of where he said he was originally. You then call the chick he was “dating” for a year after seeing all the text messages to warn her of his true

My (ex) gf of two years ghosted me earlier this year. We had dinner before she left for a work trip for 2 weeks and then I just didn’t hear from her or get responses to any texts / calls. After two months I texted her, “I guess its over. Can I get my keys back?” She mailed me my keys back and wrote a five page letter

This just happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I had even moved to the other side of the country for him! Guess what? ITS FUCKING AWESOME. Anyone who would do this to another human they are exclusively dating is cowardly, uncommunicative, and low - like me coming home to some packed suitcases and then him coming back

Red flags about how selfish he was have been there since day 1 but we really started hitting some bumps in the road the last few weeks before he disappeared but I NEVER in a million thought he would just straight up disappear. We had been doing long distance for the last year and I’m in a fairly rigorous physician

I was quite concerned he was dead until I checked his emails and saw a lovely flower order being sent to a woman named Kristy signed :) -S. Discovered this four days before he was coming to visit so I kind of had a heads up he wasn’t going to show but dear God I NEVER thought he would just not say anything...ever.

6 YEARS?! 6 weeks, sure I guess. But wow....this guy is a terrible person.

i ghosted my high school/early college abusive bf who then transferred schools to stalk me until we graduated AND i ghosted all my shitty friends back home who told me to get over it and stop being so dramatic and i enjoyed every minute of it like the gleeful asshole i am #noregrets do you ghost someone and live in the same house?!?! Did you come home and his shit was gone?

It's rarely interrupting once in a long-winded sentence, it's serial dismissal and interruption during a collaborative conversation. Imagine this happening to you every week:


Or maybe you're a rude-ass interruptasaurus?

Like, are you for real? You just discounted the experience of a woman ON AN ARTICLE ABOUT THE EXPERIENCES AND OPINIONS AND EMOTIONS OF WOMEN BEING DISMISSED. Seriously?

Jezebel, Jezebel. What have you done to me?