
That’s really unfair!

I would rather be alone and happy than with someone and miserable. These men sound very uncomfortable with themselves if they just HAVE to be with someone or bust just because. It’s very unattractive in my opinion.

I don’t use it either much. I don’t really like people, and every time I open the app, I’m reminded of that. Blech

I think you just don't get the humor. I thought it was brilliant and grasped it instantly. It made my day.

Today I learned that I’m apparently a man. Huh.

Gawker has always kind of been about taking huge dumps on people, especially their employees. They refused to pay their interns for a while, claiming that working for gawker should be payment in and of itself. Ha. I’m kind of excited to see their stupid high ups utterly burn it to the ground. They kinda deserve no

Their managers love butt stuff.

Well, I guess it's time for me to can gawker then. It was fun while it lasted. Off to buzzfeed I guess... *projectile vomits*

14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what

It makes them come across as unstable partners I guess. And yeah, Japan probably doesn’t have a problem with it because they have the tech of 2050,but the mentality of 1950. Rape and treating women like utter crap are kind of big over there.

Wow, that’s one way to set the bar low rofl

I like it, it makes them super easy to manipulate. Suckers can just deal with me drying my tears on their wallet. Who says that they’re the only ones allowed to be shallow? ;)

And 50 year old meth head homeless trucker. That seems to be particularly popular in porn. And gold chains...?

Go ahead. Your critical eye is just not something I will ever have any desire to invest in, because it’s simply an obviously bad investment. Remember that if you ever feel tempted to whine about how hopelessly single you are like some of my loser male friends who can’t be bothered to get a clue yet.

Makeup is my favorite way to make you dudes do what I want! As someone in sales, I’m actually quite thrilled that slapping some mud on my face gives me that much power and influence in people who no one on their right mind would invest in. 50/50. Someone enjoys my tears, I enjoy their poverty. Pleasure doing business

Actually, I LOVE her/him. I just took it as you seem to be very immature and not very smart. It’s okay. Hopefully you’ll learn something from this. Survival of the fittest

Mark, you’re officially one of my favorite people to have ever existed.

These hos ain’t loyal.

If you have an ex, can I have their address? I want to send them flowers and a congratulatory card. Also, you're spouting bullcrap. Go hop on Youtube and watch some VSauce videos, he'll explain it well. Human babies aren't born independent like some animals are; with the ability to already fly, or with the instinct to

If you have an ex, can I have their address? I want to send them flowers and a congratulatory card. Also, you're spouting bullcrap. Go hop on Youtube and watch some VSauce videos, he'll explain it well. Human babies aren't born independent like some animals are; with the ability to already fly, or with the instinct to