
or you could install uBlock to keep webpages from having to load so much extra bullshit

who ungrayed this idiot?

good. fuck him

I think there are six wrong things in this post, which might be a higher wrong per word average than even Elon can manage. Congrats dude.

In her defense, that MRI machine *was* coming right for her.

Shot in the ass and you’re to blame

Why do you star your own posts?

This site has covered space for its entire existence.

Well, it’s about truck payments, so it is automotive.


Boat shoes are sandals?

Linda Yaccarino this morning: “Okay Elon. Today’s event is a big deal. We lost some big advertisers this week, and I’m not saying that’s your fault, but we need to bring them back. So go out there and be nice. Remind everyone that Twitter, I mean X is a great place for advertisers. We don’t condone antisemitism, and

I’ve never really followed Top Gear. I’ve never been a huge fan, not even a fair-weather fan. I guess the closest I get to Top Gear is watching the “Trip to...” films with Michael Coogan and Rob Brydon. Those movies have Brits in them and they’re driving good cars, like Range Rovers and Mini Coopers. That counts.

Botswana was a pretty awesome episode. I’m surprised nobody mentioned Killing A Toyota Hilux PT 1 or 2, or the TGUK American road trip through the south. Those were both... pretty epically memorable.

For someone like that, “broke boy” means “person who won’t pay the simp surcharge for a product” rather than the dictionary definition.

Damn. “20 or so point-blank shotgun blasts to the face

IPersonally I’d go with Baby Billy vs the Apocolypse .

And now I’m daydreaming up a zombie apocalypse show that consists of Boyd Crowder and Raylan Givens exchanging zingers while offing zombies and managing to outwit or outdraw every villain who enters the story between them.

like holy shit lol

It looks like Walton Goggins as Rick in that video thumbnail