
It’s a pretty crappy article title. It almost seems to imply this is a big L for Sony somehow.

Ozymandias, indeed.

I use the share button a lot, but not to post to Elmo’s Hindenburg. Good on Sony for ditching that trashheap, though I’m sure it’s because Elmo wanted to charge them One Beeeeelyon Dollars (pinky finger to mouth) to keep doing it.

I’ve always used it to send screenshots and clips to my playstation friends, as well as saving good moments for myself. As such I don’t care about the twitter functionality being removed at all. Bye bye Elon hope I stop hearing about your nonsense soon

Have to recommend the wave-fronted. Around the same price (about 1100 dollars per year in California, and yeah, you have to buy them every year and yeah, they’re only covered by the highest-end PPOs), but there is no (i.e. little) pain. Completely life-changing. I can drive at night now.

That tracks with my smokey memories of the D’rizzt origin series. It was an iron-fisted matriarchy and they explicitly showed that Dr’zzts father (one of the more respected males in the whole city) was nothing more than a favored slave for killing&banging.

Except at that point, you’re trying to dictate how someone enjoys the game and making the assumption that the person ‘cheating’ is then giving the game a bad review.

EV power cells burn incredibly hot, hot enough to melt concrete, so it could be very bad. 

Even if that argument wasn’t complete BS (spoiler alert: it is, I hate git gud gatekeepers) why does it matter? At worse, people who use mods, might be degrading their own experience. But it is something they paid for and should therefore be able to experience it however they bloody well like.

And then, if you displease her, you get turned into this...

Missing projections by 45% is not the same as revenue being down 45%.

They listen to almost no feedback, keep the same systems going because they are already baked-in and easy to update at low cost, then act flummoxed when players eventually bail.

Will admit, their player loss is slower, because the game is good at the heart of it. Makes players really really slow to ween off it,

I quite playing a year ago. Haven’t missed it. The thing that did me in was having to deal with every season requiring a new currency, new grind and only to get some cosmetics. It just got boring.

I see what they’re getting at, but it’s needlessly contentious.

Real world problems.

An underground battery fire should be interesting [when it happens, which it will].

“And then we told them capitalism leads to lower prices!”

When you pay an extra 30% for the tickets, it will feel even more premium!

Every merger statement: “This will benefit customers.”