
Concern About Baltimore” is the same dog whistle as “Concern About the South Side of Chicago” is: a racist one.

My wife’s water broke on the way to the hospital.

“We have discoved that Frostbite has more in common with the software found in slot machines than it does with the CryEngine or Unreal 5.”

For the uninitiated, the drama was brief but delicious—if you’re the sort of person who...”

“...Neither Smith’s school nor her district supported her actions, the administrator added.”

She hasn’t had to work a day in damn near 15 years and has the audacity to say this bullshit...

Former Track & Field Star Knows Nothing About Running”

Blizzard lawyers are being spurious ass clowns and should be disbarred for filing this suit and.... HAVE UNWITTINGLY SUMMONED THE QUEEN OF DAIRY QUEEN

I would say a good  35% of the replies to any Elon tweet are just weirdos asking for free cars.

I give my 1 monthly Prime sub to the most sophisticated streamer I could find.

Speaking of high minded, I watch streamer named Cardboard Arm Man. He’s a guy who wears a hooded cloak, a carboard MF Doom mask and talks like he’s a Skyrim character. Oh, and the people in his chat pay bits to spam elaborate fart noises in the middle of his games.

“It’s not about “the incels”. It’s about the platform and the obvious exploit.”

“How am I supposed to keep my audience if I don’t have breasts and can’t say racial slurs?”

That was the plot of a Gundam show. Each continent was defended by jingoistic representations of their region (North America was repped by a Lumberjack bot). Kinda like Pacific Rim minus the kaiju.

My buddy was all set to deepfry a turkey for Christmas, but when he got to the store, they only birds available were massive. So he bought and deep-fried what they did have: a honey baked, spiral cut ham.

Say Cancel Culture without saying Cancel or Culture

Super Seducer 4 is going to be awesome!

No, but no game is.

This seems like what happens on social media... Ignore the positive comments but highlight and engage with the toxic ones.

She didn’t get a Bad Dye...