I should have attached an NFT to it... Now it’s worthless!
I should have attached an NFT to it... Now it’s worthless!
I meant to say “They haven’t cared about them..”
Rage tweets at fictional officer Col. Mustard but actually rage tweets at financial officer Donald Mustard...
Those examples also take place after the game has already started. The finals hadn’t started yet, so it was probably quicker to drop and replace them with a team that just missed the final cut than it would’ve taken for them to find a replacement player.
Haven’t cared about the comment section for years.
“Wrigley tested this controversial technique on Saturday night, tagging Epic chief.... Wrigley has promised to compensate Dictate and Userz...”
Memphis is wonderful this time of year.
“Daisy Ridley gave me a tampon!”
You know who else forgot about Plymouth?
They are a pretty spot on product of that decade.
130 hp at 425 lb-ft torque is an impressive ratio.
Was she on Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Charmed?
Life took a dump on him...
I’m not sure what the current record is for the full raid, but I would love to see how much time having an extra fire team would shave off.
Following this theory “Talladega Nights” is a Speed Racer movie.
It’s a huge map with almost no empty buildings filled a few years worth of gun, player and vehicle skins.
Marvel recently had Conan team up with the Punisher. Did Conan grab his sword when their camp was ambushed? Hell no! He grabbed Frank’s machine gun and laid waste to those foolish enough to try him.
You can’t...
“I’m just not going to be able to explain to my senior citizens that we’re giving away the vaccines to people that (are)...”