
They tried building walls around these things a few years ago and the Daughters of The Confederate Cousin Fuckers faught that too. Good thing they weren't s good on the battlefield as they are in the courtroom.

Stephen Miller writting a speech about race relations makes about as much sense as inviting the Firemen from Fahrenheit 454 to a book club.

You want the state to maintain your family’s property and your runner’s up shrine? Fine, that will be 130 years of property tax. COB Friday.

It’s unclear why an error that has been occurring since March has yet to be fixed,

The only explanation for why the last 4 years have been the longest 4 years ever and why people who did horrible things are still openly doing them is that we are in a timeloop.

The fact that it took this long for her to be fired for this shit makes me wonder about all the other racist things Lifetime edited out. It is also another damning entry on the why Lifetime is horrible and deserves a horrible ending” list. 

Don’t they have assistants anymore? Maybe they get them from Stephen Miller’s Personal Assistants For Racists hiring firm.

As a transplant to northern Florida, there is only one thing that this car could ever be, the car that it was forever destined for: DONK!

I was thinking more along the lines of empowering people who are more qualified to handle things that the leader mom might not be able to accurately address... but you’re not wrong either.


The boot licking and mental gymnastics makes them very limber.

I’m not paying for all those words and I damn sure don’t trust the folks that are... that's how we got these damn statues in the first place.

Fair enough.

Update: Restaurant owner replies “Any paying customer is welcome to eat my at my diner as long as they don’t mention indigestion!”

You should tell them about how the government used pepper balls to clear out a church. Then they can ad Freedom of Religion to the list of things they are willing to let the government get away with.

-This restaurant is poisoning people-

Your cops keep getting new toys though. 

Sounds like a supernatural STD. 

So, Quakertown? 

The Trump Presidential Library will have plenty of room for them.