
“He’s more of a Forest Gump than Slingblade

Chances it was The Michelin Man of the year and he’s too lazy to learn and his lackeys are too afraid to correct him?

Covid Karens are the modern day Typhoid Mary

She used facts to insult him. No junior-high name calling, no double entendre just pointed out that he is the living, wheezing representation of everyone that should NOT betaking this medication.

This will be the blackest reading of anything ever, so the 1 star reviews are going be the best ever.

“STIs Are Poised to Spike As Contact Tracers Focus on Covid-19.”

From Yelp:

I grew up in that area so I can confirm that is exactly what happened. 

Probably just a dog groomer on break from the local PetCo

Oh, the currant Destiny 2/ Division 2 model.

“General Rottweiler”

Isn’t this the stuff that should be happening every season?

My old man worked in a factory for 40 years, had 3 herniated discs and now has a titanium scaffold holding his lower spine together. He could have moved full boxes easier than Pence moved the empty ones.

“To protect and serve...

My dad owned several, late 70's LTD variants that were utter dog shit 65% of the year. The remaining 35% of the year the car would try to kill us if the temperature got close to freezing. 

You know what they do to traitors in Alabama?

Mobile’s sheriff, Sam Cochran, said that violations of state orders tend to “resolve itself”...”

It's so her shark teeth don't bite her arms off.