Because I’m still morning the loss of an awesome musician and have already written this bigot off, I was conflicted because I though you were talking about the band “Rush” for a second.
Because I’m still morning the loss of an awesome musician and have already written this bigot off, I was conflicted because I though you were talking about the band “Rush” for a second.
The guy that was actively smoking cigars while mocking Michael J. Fox’s disease and saying out how billions of gallon oil spewing into the ocean isn’t that big of a deal got cancer... Hollywood ending.
Conservative dipshits: we are glad that a horrible person got cancer. Hell, his cigar smoking, petroleum loving ass earned it. But we’re not glad when good people get it. So the faux outrage directed at people who are glad he’s suffering has nothing to do with the love one you lost to cancer. Unless they were hate…
100% likely that Trump will move Border Patrol into the DOD if he wins the next election.
“It’s important to have a seat at the table.”
They count all the hours that people put into single games as missed opportunities to sell more shit.
Why is Wendy Williams still here?
The questions are:
I known one thing: the FCC complaints for the halftime show are going to a bunch Karens and Bills complaing about not enough english and too much ass.
I‘m betting that she audited his phone and found some shit she didn’t like.
After sliding backwards for the last 3 years, I think a years of "standing in the corner" will do us some good.
Excluding all of her Bush baggage (which should be an albatross for most voters) she’s about as far right as Hillary Clinton is far left and look how that worked out for Hillary! 20 years ago politicians left or right of center had a decent chance of getting elected. Now they won't even make it to the National…
Caucasians will only vote for a black woman if things are so completely fucked that it actually effects them. And while shes cleaning, they will complain that she uses bleach instead of ammonia and then will vote for Connor McGregor because “he’s a straight shooter and tells it like it is”
It’s not even “they had it coming” defense, it’s more of a “I shot that kid because I thought he was actually a hostile alien, and because my intentions were good the resulting crime shouldn’t count” defense. Stand Your Ground laws, but for treason.
The racist Trumpers’s support, the Evangelical Trumpers’s support and the (formally) traditional Republican support all hinges on one thing now: Does it own the Libs?
Wow, a polarizing NBA ledgend dies in a tragic accident during what is one of the biggest weeks for American Football... if only there was a blog to go for stories about those topics.
I an trying to figure out if he is using Trumpspeak to impress his wife or his father in law. Both are pretty gross.
Republicans are fine with the private sector taking over 90% of government services so why is this different is so obvious.
That and Trump doesn’t like anything green. Not green veggies, not green cards. Hell, he hates green so much that dumb fucker can’t even hold on to money.