
It was definitelyTrue Romance: 140 Character Cuts”

You lost me at "cilantro"

I bet “Aquaman” give her all sorts of confusing feelings.

My overly religious grandparents adopted my uncle shortly after I was born, so we grew up together. When he ranted about this bullshit law, they asked me why he was so angry at Christians? After all, Christians are the ones who chose to adopt him in the first place, he should be more grateful! I reminded them that

Russian “birth tourism” has been a big thing since Trump became a politician. I am sure that is just another coincidence in a long long long line of coincidences.

“Hey you know the engine we use, the one that takes hours to make changes to the game? Lets use that for areas do that will only be used for one season. And for any areas and events we don’t abandon, we’ll take away any real reason for going to them in the future."

Racist man uses racist "one drop rule" to prove he's not racist.

“....It was nothing disingenuous.

Adam Sandler would make a great Michael Cohen 

“The Dumbestman”

They should just change to title to either the White House’s Fox Liaison or the Ambassador to Fox Nation.

More importantly, we need to explain the other side of the consent conversation. The earlier a kid learns that they need to ask before they hug a person and being told “no” is not a reason to get upset, the less likely they will become adults that think they are entitled to other people’s bodies.

If the tablets and computers don’t work and we have to use analogy technology, it is an emergency.

I think it’s so they'll have a shorter, stouter tips and maybe won’t break as easy.

The Girl Scout motto is “Be prepared.”

We had the same conversation about consent with our son that we had with with our daughter. They learned early that they don’t have to give grandma a hug (mom, dad, anyone) if they don’t want to and that no one is entitled to anything to do with their bodies.

“They’re just getting their periods, they’re just getting comfortable with making eye contact with a boy, let alone having any conversations,” one mother said.

Trump was down in Mar-a-lago (don’t care if spelled wrong) for the entire holiday being told God knows what by God knows who... I mean “rich guy pissing contest” can’t be ruled out as a motive can it?

Too close to China and North Korea...

A good 1/3 of MAGASSes are too old, too fat and too stupid to be eligible for the military. The ones that could meet the requirements are probably working for ICE already but won’t quit their dream job of harassing unarmed brown people for one that puts them against armed brown people.