
This was a really gutsy but smart move by McCaffrey. Of course, I imagine teams will still opt for the more athletic Fournette in the draft, even though he made the move out of pure self-interest. Sad!

This is especially funny to me as a Minnesotan. Several years ago, the Twins and Vikings were complaining for new stadiums and, naturally, the populace wasn’t too keen on footing the bill. A local sportswriter named Sid Hartman darkly warned that if we didn’t give the pro teams what they wanted, they would leave and

Royal envisions the stadium as part of a wider citywide revitalization that will also include building the state’s largest bootstrap factory.

No stadium could contain that much grit. Just not possible.

Man imagine the cornfed blue collar football guys they will attract. No glory boys, just good players from good families who will really become students of the game. I say go for it.

Same O-Line last year: 4-12. Care to explain?

Um, no. There’s a reason why:

It would also be bad for the middle class, since the government would have less money. 

Potentially all of them!

I’m only 6'3" and it definitely has an effect.

I completely disagree. FIGHT ME.

crazy how “good” is subjective amirite

Sounds like Melania describing his ballsack.

Renowned butcher Pat LaFrieda once dared me to eat an eyeball that he himself popped out of the skull of a roasted pig. That eyeball tasted better than the Trump Grill’s (Grille’s) Gold Label Burger, a Pat LaFrieda–branded short-rib burger blend molded into a sad little meat thing, sitting in the center of a

I asked one of my Co workers, that had uttered the words “Hillary should be in jail”, what was so fucking damning in those emails, and she couldn’t come up with even one thing in the emails. These are the kind of people we are dealing with.

Google Exxon & Chad, and Exxon & Kurds.

I would like to put some of this in perspective with Hillary Clinton.

On her Wiki page it says Tiffany’s a “internet personality, singer and model.”

“Who let this 4 in here – wot, looks like rain”