
Fun facts: Socialism is actually pretty successful all over the world, including in the United States! Not everyone has to “get the same” for a system to be socialist! People can still have more than other in socialist systems!

NASCAR. SEC football. Anything in Russia.

Yup. I’ve been saying it for years, Democrats need to stop being so naive and passive and stop trying to be “bipartisan”. Politics is dirty and if you can’t accept that, don’t be a fucking politician. Republicans don’t give a shit about bipartisanship, when they control Congress or the Senate they bulldoze through

The problem is that if everything you said here comes to fruition they will still find a way to pin the blame on the “liberal elites”.

The faithless electors won’t save us, but they deserve credit for refusing to cast their lot in with the old fascist, and we should be talking about them all the damn time,and praising them to the skies, even if they carry on like loons or cast their vote for that idiot Kasich.

Well.....we don’t demand billionaire owners pay for their stadiums actually. But they should.

Oooh, it’s like Racist Bingo! She’s got Jews Control the Media, White Lives Matter, All Muslims are Murders. She just needs Mexicans are Stealing the White Man’s Jobs and a photo of her in blackface (it’s not racist, it’s just a costume!) and she wins!!!!

Right?!?!?! Like, does this stadium not have a beer vendor?

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

“I was like a god out there; I owned that stadium,” said the nut vendor.

Silly person of color, laws and decency don’t apply to powerful corporations and their paid thugs... they only apply to virtually powerless minorities.

White veterans showed up. People were going to start having opinions beyond “The North Dakota what now?

Let’s not speculate everyone. Let’s not speculate why a white man in his 50's can shoot a black man in broad daylight and not even be held in custody. Let’s not speculate about the competence of the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Department when they allowed Steven Seagal to be a reserve and have him filmed while working

“If Trump sells out, it’s not our fault” ??? Yes it is, you assholes! That’s why we vote aT ALL! ARGH I CAN’T WITH THESE PEOPLE

But but butbutbut doesn’t he WANT those “millions of illegal voters” exposed? Is he going to let all that “widespread voter fraud” go undiscovered and unpunished? I thought he said we have a fraud problem— therefore, the only thing to do is recount the votes!

The fact that a delicate, pampered billionaire heir somehow convinced Middle America that he’s a “man of the people” is perhaps the biggest fraud in human history.

Who’s to say Jill Stein couldn’t benefit from a recount if millions of illegals voted? What if 123 million illegals voted for Trump and Hillary (we all know that Hillary had 800 million of them queued to enter the country in the first week of her presidency)?

My partner is convinced that all his claims of rigged elections during the campaign were a ruse to get Hillary Clinton to agree to accept the results, because he knew that the election was being rigged in his own favor somehow.

There is plenty of reason to doubt the validity of the election in which the person who won lost by over 2.5 million people.