
Your secret is safe with us Eli

I don’t think he buys what he’s selling. “They’re running out of dresses” is such a simple-minded, naive fabrication that it’s almost charming, but no I honestly believe this is KILLING Donald. He pulled the mother of all cons to win King Of The World, and no one will come to his party, because no one loves him. This

I dunno, as someone trying to cope with life post-30, my hangovers have lasted 2 or 3 days after an all-day tailgate.

Assange stated on Bill Maher’s show in June that he planned on leaking all kinds of damaging Trump info as soon he was finished with Hillary. Fuck this guy. I hope he smokes himself to death in that Embassy. Fucking coward.

Or, maybe, Democrats are actually capable of being nuanced about things, and liked Wikileaks when it was publicly committing itself to being neutral and non-partisan. And then Assange was put under investigation for rape and his history of egotism and egomania came to light, and Wikileaks started leaking things like

Member when Assange prolonged the publishing of hacked DNC e-mails to keep the story in the news cycle as long as possible?

It’s important to remember that WikiLeaks didn’t just publish the emails that were twisted into evidence for Pizzagate, but actively encouraged that interpretation.

I know how much Assange hates America because he is willing to spend time talking to Sean Hannity. That takes commitment.


“Masshole” fail to give you a clue, eh? You really are a Texan.

Yeah, hate and fear seem much easier to communicate than empathy and responsibility.

See also: Deficits don’t matter when the president is a Republican.

I blame national democrats. They don’t even try in Texas. But if you look at the election Clinton got 43.4% of the vote while spending zero money in the state. In Ohio, she spent a fortune but only got 43.5% of the vote. Democrats just decided to not bother. I live in the 36th district and there wasn’t even a

Well, he thinks that North Carolina’s lost-revenue statistics are “fake news”— because he just discovered that you can deploy this phrase about REAL news & have it stick, if the facts aren’t to your liking. Words mean nothing.

If hypocrisy killed the Republican party as a whole would be essentially wiped out.

“Why do we need Ambassadors. I mean they’re great guys, the best, but when I let everyone know about everything via Twitter using the best words, you know they’re tremendous words, what’s the need for them.

it’s the only type of car his tiny hands feel at home in.

They are God’s children caught in a culture of country music...