
The man doesn’t even know how to eat a steak. He orders well-done. WELL-DONE!

Or we could just, ya know, abolish the electoral college and not essentially discount millions of minorities who voted for Clinton.

You are kidding, right? Kasich doesn’t believe in a woman’s right to determine what she does with her body, said Planned Parenthood should be defunded, said he would ban same sex marriages,said the EPA should not regulate carbon emissions, supported fracking, said we need to invade Iraq to rid them of WMD (which they

Where Trump gained and lost over Romney:

It’s half and half; half the country are racists, and the other half are pretty bummed about the fact that the racists won. I’m sure the racists get a sadistic joy from the disappointment of non-racists, but from the perspective of the other half of society, you’ve fucked everyone, including yourselves, just to fuck

Ever notice how when a Republican is in charge we all have to work together and support the President while when a Dem is in charge, people start threatening civil war?

This sums it up pretty well:

Obama had/has his warts, but the fact the people felt so “oppressed” and “held down” under Obama is really a testament to the fuckery that people believe in this country.

The comparisons aren’t even apt. We have a President who will actively try to screw his own populace over if it benefits him. Probably the first

“This is modern day Nazi Germany in it’s infancy. We need to stamp it out before it gets too powerful.”

I’ve had this feeling the whole time that Pence would be (slightly) less catastrophic on the foreign policy end but a nightmare of Salem Witch Trial proportions on the domestic/social policy front. Trump I viewed as the inverse of that. He’ll probably kill us all once he starts engaging with other nations, but he

But then we have Mike Pence. I don’t like Trump - his erratic, vindictive nature terrifies me. Mike Pence, on the other hand, is a Republican Party insider, an attorney, an experienced legislator, aaaaaand someone who promotes all of the same xenophobic, racist, misogynist, bullying ideas that Trump does. It is

I know this is tongue in cheek. But just to add more scary that very NPR article, McConnell says:

“I think most of the things that he’s likely to advocate we’re going to be enthusiastically for.”

We’re fucked, people.

Well, massive deportations will not happen... No undocumented workers means California and Texas cease functioning, and the Country Club Republicans still put their pocketbooks before their barely cloaked racism.

The racists need to be called racists. The ones who aren’t, need to be shown that there are racists in their midst. The problem is that our side did an absolutely terrible job of pointing out the difference and so they were able to spin it. Our side shouldn’t have let that happen.

My parents didn’t have a clue about what this really meant, and they voted for him. They’d never heard of the alt-right, or Brietbart, or that the KKK endorsed him, or that Mike Pence’s stance on LGBTQ rights is absolutely terrifying. And when I called them to say my boyfriend and I were both scared as hell, and I got

Hate isn’t rational. Right now they’re not thinking of anything beyond making people of color — and women, to a lesser degree — pay for the crime of thinking they should count as human beings. By the time their actions start having consequences that affect them, they’ll be far too removed to make the connection. Trump

Mitch has already said, “we’ll see.” The problem is that Trump thinks he can fire him.

Agreed, we’re all going to pay for it dearly. I don’t think people have any idea of the far-ranging implications of Trump being elected, both domestically and abroad, and worse of having Republican majorities in the house and senate. I really think they’re going to spend the next 4 years working on voter suppression

I said below that this is good news because it will never get 2/3 of each house and will piss off all the Republicans, but it occurs to me now that if it does somehow pass - term limits for Congress are a popular proposal - it’s a little scary. Reducing the legislature’s power relative to the executive is kind of a

A true profile in courage.