I take her point. I have deliberately avoided learning about the Kardashians—on the other hand, the information is out there, and I inadvertently know more than I care to.
I take her point. I have deliberately avoided learning about the Kardashians—on the other hand, the information is out there, and I inadvertently know more than I care to.
“He has also said that he deliberately avoided learning details about the sequels... (On the other hand, the information was out there)“
That’s a really nonsensical editorialization. Like imagine if someone said, “I drove cross-country because I enjoy road trips.” How insufferable do you have to be if you just HAVE…
Hey cut the parents some slack. Those crosses aren’t gonna burn themselves.
My rec league team name: The Undisputed Champions.
I am ashamed to admit that it took me more than a few minutes to get “knee grow.” Why come up with a great team name like “Wet Dream Team” and not use sexual innuendo names? So easy... DP3, Matt Boner, just to name a couple of quick ones.
Can we dispense with calling it a “party” anymore?
meanwhile the GOP is raising taxes on the middle class, what a party
This morning Kellyanne Conway was on TV telling Alabama voters to vote Moore because Doug Jones would raise your taxes.
The GOP, the party of racists and child molesters.
I read up on one of the press articles from when a new Esprit came out (I think it was a turbocharged version), and they did a long distance test with it - from the UK to southern france and back. They praised it (and they really meant that) because it took them almost 1000km of driving before the first instrument…
Not often to you make such a major life decision based on 1 stranger’s advice, but sir, you’ve changed my life.
One of many running jokes is that a Lotus Esprit of any year or configuration will cost you $60,000 and a spare room in your house. Why? Well, it’s 10 grand for the car, twenty thousand for the parts you’ll need, and thirty thousand dollars and the room to pay and board Nigel, the English mechanic who you’ll need to…
I’ve been gone for a week and this is what happens when I come back?
I’m not even a motorcycle guy but I loved reading your post about this one. Absolutely top notch repair work! Your threads are what inspire me to be a thorough DIY mechanic :)
Curious, but in your video there’s an orange stand near the back of the bike, is that supposed to be like a bike mount that raises the entire…
If I win Powerball, I’m going to charter a jet to LA. My first stop will be Singer. My second stop will be Icon. I love his work.
There’s this misguided idea that spirits and demons only show up during the month of October, even though the undead…
I am just dreading you receiving comments reacting to all those stats with something in the line of ‘bootstraps’, ‘personal responsibility’, ‘they should do better, why are native americans so lazy’ and so on.
These facts just do not matter to most non-Indians.
I gave you a star for the info.