
“I think u [sic] should maybe change this caption to *Dog Mom and Dad* before anyone gets it twisted.”

It’s top 10 (or bottom 10, depending on how you rank) for sure. “We have to stop all this hate?” Well, Ms. Shaw, here’s a thing you coulda done: You could have NOT pointlessly shat on a dance move that I’m confident did no harm to you or anybody who performed it. Usually mocking things that fall under the broad heading

Sadly kindof normal. Prosecution usually wins about 80 to 90 percentage of their cases when they go to trial. The harder the case, the less likely they will go to trial. All of the factors, his fame and they way the defense would portray her cooperation would make it difficult to win and make losing a public

If I had the guess it’s because the prosecutor wanted the win. At the end of the day his name is mud. Unfortunately in this case I think a jury would blame the victim because fans want to sleep famous people right and she got what she wanted. Messed up right?

The first time I saw it I actually told my friend there was something wrong with her lipstick, because I couldn’t imagine anyone would do that on purpose.  Whoops!

I don’t really like Iggy’s music but at least as a pale blond girl she kind of stood out in her genre, I couldn’t pick her out of a line up here (actually I thought it was a Kardashian when I saw the picture). I'm so bored with this look. 

No matter how many times I see it, I will never understand lipliner outside of one’s lips. It’s never going away, is it?

Bill Cosby isn’t an alleged rapist. He was convicted and freely admitted it was true. His case was overturned because of procedural errors, not a lack of guilt.

The fact he’s so openly admitting it was only “verbal abuse” means he’s got much bigger skeletons in his closet. No way is a major producer like that gonna get the boot just because he’s verbally abusive; are you kidding me? That’s 80% of them. Dan Schneider has been a massive sleazeball since forever and people

You could do some sports betting out of these two, which is likely to last longer. Both will likely be measured in months rather than years regardless given their histories.

Absolutely, what a beautiful response. Her gorgeous smile, her serenity, the fact that she neither was defensive nor blaming. Something I wish I could emulate, but I don't have that confidence or peace when attacked. 

I was introduced to Tabiath Brown by a cooking video by Jennifer Garner, both of them combined is the most wholesome content on Insta.

Who would ever “come for” Tabitha Brown or her husband? Wendy Williams is such a sad person.

It’s a very weird hill to die on that parenthood - a common experience shared by the majority of people - is somehow antithetical to hip hop.   Good luck keeping that gate.

Maybe there’s more to hip-hop than being “gangsta”

Its a holdover from when many infants died before, during or just after childbirth. 

we don’t know the story of what lead up to the statement, nor the context around it.

This is related to why Joe Rogan’s podcast is so problematic for so many people: Too many people give too many fucks about what certain people say online.

We can talk about more than one thing at a time.

where did the name of this podcast come from? because if my assumptions, based on his cousin's comments, are correct and it’s something his murderers said to him...jfc that's horrific.