
The fact that she was 26 (not some 15 year old edgelord troll) when she told a child who was groomed for sex by a 50 year old predator to kill herself and that she hates fucking disturbing, jokes or not.

Isn’t it Kotaku’s job to straight-face reddit drama as news?

Don’t forget the courage of Harvey Keitel in the Piano

No, we couldn’t. Because people would still naturally gravitate to r/abortion and they would get bad advice there. We would end up having to run r/abortion behind the scenes and r/abortionsupport as well. Also, CedarWolf grabbed r/abortionsupport!

“And since he is probably reading this....quit running around with a hair up your ass and do the right thing, asshole.

The thing is, she looks pretty effing great. I saw no jiggling and her waist is small, so I really don’t get the bravery stuff. So brave to be a beautiful, fit 40-something.🤷‍♀️

It’s a fairly thankless job. I mean you expect some terrible site commenters but rarely do people know there’s always some sort of power structure/struggle among mods. And like anywhere, not everyone in charge is decent and some people let any power go to their heads

I was a mod here for about 12 years.

proclaimed her own, natural pubes good enough for The Reader

John Goodman

In case you haven’t been watching the show, early on, after she’s gone home with an also-hot Guy Pearce, he expresses shock to discover her character is a grandmother, and she responds (paraphrasing here), “Do I fuck like a grandmother?”

The Cone of Wealth is turning. Just when the poors have spent all their money trying to emulate the wealthy, they flip the script and looking trashy is the new wealthy thing.

I seriously don’t get why anybody needs to point this out either, dear writer.

As somebody who avoids reddit like the plague as much as possible, couldn’t they just start r/abortionsupport?

I get you built this community, but that’s the deal with reddit: it sucks but its’ really easy to make a new reddit and if this drama is public, I am sure there will be people who follow.

Reddit and Wikipedia

Abortion aside, being a moderator is a shitshow. I was one on a popular site and something similar happened. It was site on relationship woes. I was a frequent commenter and then was made into a mod. Until another mod, became obsessed with me. Like obsessed. He first started by trying to start side conversations with

Yeah the cursing brought on by, most likely, day-drinking was the cherry on top. Probably no kid there even batted an eye at two women kissing, but they sure as hell heard all that shrieked profanity.

It’s been discovered she doesn’t even live in Oakland. She lives in a super pricey South Bay city. She and her husband also recently had to settle a lawsuit because they refused to pay for work done on an investment property. Really stand up people here.

White folks kill me with their self-appointed and unwanted deputization of unknown authority. I find it ironic that they wanted to protect the children but then used words that they probably don’t want their kids to use - hard to tell with them as they get cussed out by the kids starting usually around 6-7th grade. I

I assume the desire to not “politicize” the message has at least something to do with the overwhelming likelihood that fully half of the men the book might be meant for (and the half that arguably needs it *more*) will treat the text as radioactive if the book explicitly aligned itself with the political projects of

I can’t comment on the book, as I haven’t read it, but I did attend that TED Women event and heard Baldoni speak. Later that day, I had the opportunity to chat with him individually. He seemed to be trying to do the right thing. If memory serves, his dad was in the audience, and he said it was hard for him to talk