
Right? I wasn’t unhappy about this. They’re adorable, together.

Wait until you’re told to calm down.

I wouldn’t read Jezebel if I didn’t appreciate petty snark, but Jesus how often these writers completely miss the mark. I miss Kara Brown...a lot.

If it IS hers. Apparently she’s posted pictures of tattoos in the past that were actually from fans, without comment on her IG?

Literal masking so you don’t have to keep socially masking! Perfect!

See I get catcalled all the time in my puffy coat and it just confirms to me it’s a power trip thing for dudes. Unless they have a marshmallow fetish. 

I was standing in the middle of a long line at the airport once and some guy almost knocked me over slamming into my side to get across the hallway to another gate - because “he didn’t see me”.  Standing in a line.  With tons of people in front of and behind me.  So I kicked him.  Then he was all “who did that????”

Did Ben Affleck not co-write the screenplay for Goodwill Hunting? Why was that in quotations?

Gwen’s tattoo is a perfect illustration of everything that is terrible about text tattoos. The script is messy and uneven in pigmentation, size, and orientation.

I was shocked to hear from a coworker that visited her grandmother this weekend in an assisted care facility, that none of the staff were wearing masks and didn’t require visitors to. Like, if there’s one place that should forever mask up, it’s that one.

The reason I love masks- I'm autistic. I make weird facial expressions that don't match the situation sometimes. I don't really have 100% idea what facial expression I might be making at any given time. And with a mask on it can stop thinking about it.

I knew I could not be alone in feeling that masks can be liberating. I love not feeling like I need to wear makeup, that i am protecting against sun damage, that i don’t have to fake smile at people, that the playing field has been made slightly more level because i know for a fact that pretty people get treated

I love wearing a mask!  Men have stopped telling me to smile.

Only since menopause. It’s remarkable how invisible I am now. I’ve actually had people bump into me on the sidewalk, then say, “I didn’t see you.” Yesterday I stood at an empty counter in a clothing store, with a worker standing behind it, utterly not seeing me. When I asked if this was the place to pick up

Welcome to my world. I’ve been invisible my whole life. Even in the before times, I could walk down the street in a belly dance outfit and no one looked twice. Masks didn’t change much.

“Simply put,” one woman said, “I’m sick of being perceived.”
That last part is too real.

I’ve made the same comment a few times, but asking famous people about their friends who are abusers is putting them in a terrible position. I agree with what Rogen said, his opinion is the least valuable here.

I think I understand his point when he said his opinion isn’t relevant. No one wants to believe their good friend is capable of doing terrible things.  It’s difficult to process.  It sounds like he’s on a path to understanding. He seems like a thoughtful person. I hope he gets there.

Yeah, there’s no statute of limitations on how long the victims are affected by it.

Did QAnon investigate this Hollywood sexual predator?