
Exactly. My family has been in North America long enough to be implicated in just about everything shitty that has been done here, and I have a cousin who was kidnapped into my family via the Sixties Scoop (children stolen off of reservations and adopted out into white families). I don’t think it’s even a matter of

I think the thought process is kind of like: “Can’t we just be cool with being racist for a while?”

My great-grandfather was involved in the “Indian Wars”, i.e. taking lands from Native Americans and killing as many as possible under the veil of fighting insurrection.

So I hadn’t had a period in 2 months when I got the first shot. About 3 weeks later I got a period so bad I was bleeding through a pad every hour and it wouldn't stop.  Went to the doctor was put on a weeks supply of progesterone. Got the 2nd shot a couple of days later.  After I went off the progesterone, the

I had an 11 day period after my shot. It’s usually like 5 at most. I was...not a fan.

Yes; that is what I meant. Which is the reason I mentioned that the virus causes blood clots. This was not anti-vaccination; I have had both doses, and will take every booster available. I am also for oral contraceptives. Which doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be apprised of all information pertaining to safety and

Yeah, medicine has a long history of excluding women from research trials out of convenience (even female animals were excluded through the early aughts due to concerns that menstruation would interfere with research data).

You mean how Covid itself causes weird and deadly blood clots? Along with 1/3rd of survivors being diagnosed with a neurological or psychiatric condition months later? Yes, I’ll still take my chances with the vaccine.

They are starting to study the issue, here is a link to a survey. Even if you DIDN’T notice menstrual changes, the data is still really important, so please take it.

When the Johnson & Johnson vaccine was first put on pause, Twitter users were quick to point out that it was actually much more common to develop a blood clot after taking a birth control pill than it was to develop a blood clot as a result of the vaccine. The risks are undeniably different—doctors say that blood

Usually a can of whipping cream is just a can of whipping cream. Who wouldn’t eat it from a can? But... Not they way any of them are doing it. (Same for the nox)

People who are trying to gaslight you rely on the back-and-forth.

“You’re lying.”

Or you tell them what I told my nephew when he was spouting Qanon shit:

What you say is two words...

I wish people would go back to understanding that “gaslighting” is a specific phenomenon, and what 99% of what people describe online as gaslighting is a 1-2 combination of remembering things differently, and the other party lying to themselves to feel better about past them. I had a friend who regularly rewrote past

There’s a long thread on twitter in response to this video by a biologist/conservationist who did her post-grad work with bobcats and the whole thread is worth a read if you haven’t seen it (and maybe a forward if people are dumb enough to think these creatures are anything like housecats. They can’t cross-breed and

the guy killed the thing and it was tested for rabies, presumably by animal the south. pretty sure they’re better at identifying the animal in their custody than you are.

most gun people I know are DYING for a chance to shoot something. 

But isn't manslaughter the charge for accidental killings?