
This is so cool! While it’s tempting to assume the size discrepancy between the “twins” was caused by their age difference, in reality 3 weeks shouldn’t make the kind of difference we see in the picture. I suspect Rosalie is much smaller because her placenta/umbilical cord was not working as well, thus preventing the

Mazel gurl!!!

Happy for her!

watched this clip all morning

The only valuable parts of the documentary were the attorney interviews that shed more light into how conservatorships work and the evolution of her conservatorship. Everything else was horror porn and speculation. One record producer made an entire set of assumptions about Jamie Spears based on one thing he said

I very much agree. There are some things that seem shady about the conservatorship, but I have gotten the impression from what has happened in the last year seems to show a breakdown in her confidence in her father’s oversight of both her person and her business. So far everything she has done seems to be to distance

The Free Britney movement is a conspiracy theory, full stop. There’s probably something very wrong with her conservatorship. The media was awful to her during her peak years of fame and she deserves an apology, particularly when it comes to the coverage of her mental health. It contains a kernel of truth. But the way

“...explaining infinity to a child is an interesting concept to me.”

Sorry. Missed it when it flew over my head. That'll teach me to comment before coffee.

Hell there’s even the argument they fed into the framing of lesbian sex as a performance to be watched and enjoyed by the masses (men in particular) as opposed to an expression of intimacy between two partners not that Candace would touch that

That’s just boys and locker room talk. Now back to criticizing women...

[That’s the Joke.gif]

Owens could criticize Cardi B for being transphobic, for hosting parties during COVID, for doing the whole “I don’t care about my critics but here is a line by line rebuttal to their criticisms of me” schtick, for robbing people after an illegal but also consensual sexual encounter and trying to convince us that it’s

On the one hand, the previous BN offering was a rare gem: Clare/Tayshia’s Bachelorette season, the first from covid times, enjoyed the alchemy of older contestants (the men were chosen for Clare, who was 39), the lack of travel stunting, and a sense of an oasis of normality for cast and crew in terrifying times. Real

Yea the homecoming votes make a hysterical headline, but this is basically identity theft. Whole other animal. 

They are not being jailed because of the prom votes, but because did the illegal access to other people’s private and confidential information which could include things like SSNs (or at least the last 4 digits) for all we know. Involving minors.

I read an article on Buzzfeed in which four past black contestants were interviewed and one the things a few of them brought up were that they were so anxious about not being stereotyped, not wanting to do anything that could have them be perceived as “the angry black woman” that it distracted them from focusing on

My first thought: How long before some well-intentioned hackers come up with an open source generator for the printing files?

The “everything is a subscription” model that’s been growing and growing for the last 20 years needs to die yesterday.

Props to Fiona for knowing and doing what’s best for her own well-being.