
“...and the type of internet speech everyone should stop using.

I agree that Julia Fox seems young to publish an actual memoir, but I doubt many of us haven’t had some things to write about by the time we’re 33. I’m sure her story doesn’t begin and end with Kanye. Why so mean? Everything I’ve read about her makes her seem kind of fun.

I've long said that millennials were just Boomer Mk2, right down to that puritanical moral certainty in their own beliefs, and willingness to use their demographic's numbers to enforce them. Give it another 20 years and they'll be the same political nightmare Boomers are now.

Delivery is an overpriced mess. Plus you have to tip(unless you are a monster)

I used to love grocery delivery, until I realized how much I could save by just getting off my ass and going to buy it all myself. 

Of course Gen Z is willing to go in person, that is because they are young and full of energy and their knees and back haven’t gotten all fucked up yet.

That’s what I was thinking.  Did I travel back in time to 2001?

In 2003, a collaboration between those two would have been noteworthy. In 2013, it would have been a solidly disposable radio single. In 2023, it seems like it is really only for the truly intense Britney fans.

And did they use a Britney photo from 2004 or something?

4th scenario.  she’s found unresponsive, she’s known to use drugs, they administer it just because “maybe” and then move on to figuring out what was actually the problem.

Maybe medical responders finding an unconscious rock star said “Hey, maybe we should administer Narcan, just in case.” That doesn’t seem like a huge leap in logic.

What, he’s not going to try to to use the “she’s not my type” defense in court?


Like, are they truly ignorant about it’s location and not just unwilling/unable to keep doing a altruistic repetitive motion in one spot for more than 5 seconds?

A nubis, the nubis, same thing.

That’s Anubis, not the nubis.

These sorts of “gotcha” questions say almost nothing about people’s actual knowledge of female anatomy, but everything about the culture of the acceptability of saying “I don’t know” to a question about female anatomy.

What do you mean? My wife definitely has an Egyptian god of the dead in her cooch. We sacrifice to it and everything.

“What’s challenging is communicating that while this is not a ‘gay disease,’ our limited resources need to go to the people at the highest risk, currently GBMSM,” Canadian virologist Angie Rasmussen told Buzzfeed. “And it’s also important to communicate the risk is highest with sexual activity without shaming the

Back seat of a car is hardly any less comfortable. Just sayin’