
I have the privilege of believing in bullshit, because if something actually bad happens, I’m going to the Mayo Clinic.”

It’s kind of cool though, right? kind of mimics the incredible feats of neolithic humans, going from land mass to land mass, many times by water. I think it’s awesome! I would never do it myself, of course, because I’m a fatty and just so, so lazy.

Hell, we invented sails and then steam ships so we wouldn’t have to row boats across oceans. This lady is like a dozen versions behind in terms of ocean-going technology. 

A friend of mine worked at our main local crystal purveyor. He was asked to spruce up the crystal display, and in the process he threw out the descriptions and made up (even more) ludicrous new ones out of thin air.

In five years, not a single patron complained or even noticed.

The wealthy people who hawk healing crystals (Miranda Kerr!) also happen to be conventionally attractive and have more than adequate access to modern health care at all hours of the day.

Is that Kim Kardashian?? Man, I miss her old face.

I was still watching RHOBH when he married Yolanda Hadid in a lavish star-studded wedding featured on the show. How long did that last, five years? And they were “only” about 20 yrs. apart. As usual, as he gets older his wives get younger.

Ha - yikes.  Not sure that is a healthy attitude towards journaling!  Just make sure it’s somewhere secure and people respect your boundaries and don’t go snooping. ;) 

I have no problem at all with the age difference, but if you read the book by his former wife, Linda Thompson, excuse me.. ONE of his former WIVES, because there have been a bunch..he comes off as a very narcissistic ass and once the honeymoon phase is over, he’s cold as ice and on to the the next woman. Narcissists

That clears it up a bit. It’s still a tad weird given their circumstances of how they met, but as far as I’m concerned at this point, it’s two mature adults choosing to be in a relationship.

She didn’t open the front door and maybe see where it was? Kinda looked like it was being rehabbed, didn’t it? So somone knows it’s there. Still freaky to think someone could climb into your apt. through your bathroom wall.

This is not that strange??? I used to live in an apartment where the apartment next door’s bathroom was right behind mine just like that. It seems like the neighboring apartment hasn’t been renovated yet. That’s only strange part to me cause here in NYC landlords will rent ANY fucking space, ASAP.

Yes, also McPhee has managed to hang on in Hollywood for 15 years with only medium talent, success and charisma.  She is not an ingenue.

Someone on here explained to me that guys are super embarrassed if they don't live up to the sex crazed stud they're supposed to be. Instead of challenging that and being secure in whatever they want, they blame us for their inability to match our desire.

One thing I used to wonder about is what guys who got girls drunk or roofied them got out of the experience in a purely physical way—if your partner is literally passed out, they can’t be participating in any meaningful way.

Absolutely none of the men I’ve dated could keep up with me there, which was fine - I have no problem adjusting expectations, as that’s what you do in a relationship within reason - but any of the ones who claimed to “want” that from me had a ticking clock on them from how long it went from approval to sheer malice.

According to my minute’s worth of wikipedia research, her previous relationship ended in 2016, when she would have been 32. When she was on American Idol in 2005, she was with her future husband. So, unless I’m missing something, her romantic relationship with Foster began over a decade after her stint on American

Technically he could be her grandfather.

I’m 30 and I am disturbed by how much it disturbed me to find out people think side parts are something uncool old people have lol.