
Oh you, this is how snark on the internet works... just pick something and bitch about it.

the second pic and the replies lmao

Y’all realize that TEdward has a perfectly warm & comfy D.C. place where he coulda brought the fam and done his destroying Democracy work. He’s a TX person with an extra home ... but maybe he’s afraid of Heidi & girls seeing his current soup stash and Trump BDSM outfits.

Anyone traveling internationally during a pandemic has questionable decision-making skills, not to mention morals. A politician who does so is a fool, hence why politicians around the world have been punished for it in the last year.

I dunno, AOC organized relief from New Yorkers for a couple million sent to Texas in the span of a few hours and its not her district or state.

Cruz is trash and an opportunist. Even if Texas wants to vote for Republicans there are better options.

The fact that his advice to the state was to hunker stay at home while he did the opposite doesn’t matter to you? Why not celebrate hypocrisy!

If Heidi had gone down to Cancun with the girls to escape the power outages, I wouldn’t have had a problem with it. Less than perfect optics for Ted, but they have the means to get the hell out of there, and very few people would blame them. Ted, tho? HARD NO.

Ted should have let his family go away and stayed in

Seriously? Contrast Cruz’s reaction to Beto’s (y’all voted in the wrong guy, but it was close).  Sadly, too many people in Texas see a (D) at the end of a name at the voting booth, and get visions of a Nazi-Commie who will take away their guns and force them to have abortions. That’s why you get people like Cruz,

Imagine something being too embarrassing for LUKE FUCKING BRYAN

I’m gonna drag on Katy Perry. If she really wanted to help, the place to have this talk is in the green room after the show, not on camera. Just like everyone else in this shitshow, Perry is exploiting this girl for her own image and bullshit.

Shhh...shhh. Katy is showing off her sensitive side. 

I am so disgusted. Teenage girls have been exploited forever. People are talking about how Britney deserves an apology as if we’ve learned better, but then people turn around and doing the same thing over and over and over again. F the patriarchy.

So much for learning anything from Britney Spears.

Putting it in the same sentence as also needing “an emancipation decree” implies that it is not sarcasm, unless you also were about that part.

The last thing a victim of abuse needs is Jesus or any church.

Because that show is notorious for exploiting it’s contestants? But yeah, let’s blame a 16 year old, not her grifter parents and and giant TV show.

Luke Bryan did not want any part of this mess. Every facial expresssion he looked like he disapproved of the exploitation.

Why does she look like a completely different person in every picture of her I see?

The whole thing felt contrived. Parents who verbally and emotionally abuse their kids are careful to destroy them at home, where they are petty tyrants. NOT in front of TV cameras. 

I was gonna drag on Katy Perry...but fuck that noise.

Literally nobody is helping this child so if Katy Perry can point it out in a saccharine sweet way on a (somewhat) widely watched TV show, good for her for using her power to help in a teeny tiny way.