
Katy’s smart. She’s too old to be in a constant feud with Taylor. Plus the person who keeps the feud going is the one that ends up looking stupid and petty at the end. She’s right to leave Taylor carrying that bag.

before the primaries were over. they’ve been trashing her for decades.

I had no idea there was going to be a season 2 of this terrible show. I’m going to watch the entire thing.

Hey guys, take a couple of minutes to look though the new privacy policy. It seems pretty rational to me, on the whole. I can’t remember what’s new, but the only things that stick out for me are the following:

Who tells a stranger she has “nice skin?”

My guess is you’re also a fiscal conservative who doesn’t recognize the cost of unwanted children, the corresponding spike in crime rates, the deaths of women who dont have abortion access, the fact that abortions don’t decrease when abortion is inaccessible or illegal, and you’re probabaly against universal

I truly do not understand anyone who claims to be Christian but opposes immigrants and refugees. What words could possibly be more clear than these?

Mary and Joseph’s identities as refugees are central to Catholic doctrine. If churches are not providing sanctuary, then they should be.

Jesuits are usually pretty cool folks. I’m glad your friends obviously fall on the right side of this divide:

On the eve of the inauguration, I think it’s a good time to remember that under President Obama, twenty million Americans gained health insurance, cutting the percentage of uninsured Americans to single digits; same-sex marriage was legalized; DADT was repealed; combat positions were opened to women and transgender

I can’t imagine Drew as a cannibal.

Graham Norton has been over here (North America) for years, first with So Graham Norton. He’s an absolute treasure. My favourite Graham Norton role though has to be Father Noel in Father Ted.

i get the snark, but really, for women of faith, this is a huge deal to them. Right or wrong, they feel like they’ve sinned and need forgiveness. This is a good thing. This is one of those moments where we can step out of our bubble a little bit and understand the progress that this is for faithful Catholics.

By their own prudish conservative rules, Michelle wins because we ain’t never seen her titties.

“Urp, Urp, killed them all. URP!”

Death Proof and Planet Terror are works of modern art. I WILL FITE YOU


There is nothing mysterious about it. Set up your email on a computer with any of the mail programs on defaul settings it starts syncing everything on the server not just the unread messages.