
I don’t think he does, but I can see how it could be construed that way. I think he is endlessly worrying and strategizing re: Dany’s mission to conquer the Iron Throne, and this by itself necessitates a bit of an obsession on his part. He knows the high stakes and how dire things are, and I think this is why he’s

Been holding out for this for a long time. After their forced marriage, it was clearly shown that they were both capable of learning to love each other. Sansa deserves someone who adores and respects her completely and Tyrion deserves someone gentle and true. Besides, wouldn’t their original marriage still stand? I

Edited because I want to delete the post.

Years ago, I was halfway through this book for book club when I read online about her advance. I had been struggling with the book already (exception: I love the description of the pizza she had in Naples), but after I read about the huge advance she got it all just smacked of a cynical con. I skimmed the rest of the

I tried to do it. My boobies simply did not want to produce enough milk to sustain my child. I pumped multiple times a day for 20, 30, 40 minutes at a time and saved every drop for my baby. But it was not enough and I had to supplement with formula after he lost more than 10 percent of his body weight. After 8 weeks,

Definitely just a bad movie. I was in my early 30s when the books blew up, but they were unavoidable for me because loads of women my age were reading them too. I got the first one out of a used bookstore and managed to read up to about 40 pages from the end. Trash, and not even enjoyable trash. I caught the first

But Winona Ryder’s Veronica wasn’t a nerdy weirdo. She wouldn’t have been in the Heather clique at all if she was. She looked the part enough that she was drafted in, but secretly she was an outsider.

I hated New Kids on the Block with a visceral passion, but I had so many friends who loved them that I had to tone down my anti-NKOTB rhetoric if I was to keep my pals. After a couple years I ended up almost liking them in what was a vaguely Stockholm Syndrome-ish situation, being surrounded by superfans. But at least

I don’t necessarily think Katy is all that smart, but I like her. She doesn’t take herself seriously, which I think is an important quality for a pop star. Taylor, on the other hand, takes herself extremely seriously, which has always killed the joy for me. If Katy has two brain cells to rub together, she’ll realize

I regard the heyday of the magazine to be pre-2000, when it was a monthly and had actual, intelligent content. Feck, I’m old.

I heard about Frank Kelly. Too sad. :(

“Have you seen The Piano? Did you see Harvey Keitel running around in the nip?” Love Father Noel. I’m American but was lucky enough to see some of the original run of Father Ted when I was living in London in the mid-late 90s. I even saw Dermot Morgan walking down the street in Westminster not long before he died

I’m DVRing this, but I haven’t had the desire to tune in since the premiere. It’s not only Glenn’s death for me, but also Abraham’s. Abraham could be obnoxious but I also thought he was a hoot to watch overall. And Glenn was just the heart and conscience of the show. I’m storing them up in the ol’ DVR, but....don’t

Thank you! I’ll look up those treatments and see if I can take them right now. Yes, here’s hoping that post-pregnancy sees a reduction in UTIs. I’ve had enough for two lifetimes!

As someone who gets them frequently and is constantly at the doctor’s office, there are a number of things you both can do to minimize the occurrence of UTIs. Of course it’s not a 100% guarantee, but worth trying. Always pee after sex. He should always make sure his junk is clean before sex. If possible, shower after

My doctor suspects I have IC, but we can’t do a cystoscopy because I’m pregnant. So we’re supposed to revisit it once I have the baby. I’ve had at least six UTIs during this pregnancy. Before I was pregnant, I’d get a UTI every 6-8 weeks no matter what I did. My husband and I are at the point that we both have

I was the only one among my friends who liked Logan for Rory. Everyone else mooned over Dean. But Logan’s character was well developed over time and you actually saw the guy mature quite a bit before the end. Plus, Matt Czuchry is adorable.

I actually saw these shoes when I was 10 years old (a whopping 30 years ago) when they were on display in the DC Children’s Museum. For me, it was a magical experience to see the real shoes and know that they had actually been worn by Judy Garland. I even bought a postcard of the shoes in the gift shop! I’d maybe be

I actually LOVE the sister - I’ve never seen her in anything else, but she is legits a talented comic actress. She was clearly written to be the comic relief in the series, and she did her job brilliantly. Added just enough light to what is a pretty heavy series.

I loved him in the 90s. The tousled hair, the self-effacing cheeky humor, and honestly, he was genuinely handsome. I’ll admit that I had a posh English boyfriend back then who embodied that kind of charm to an extent.