All of my people were team Jess, but Logan is the only one of those guys I could see Rory happy with in the end.
All of my people were team Jess, but Logan is the only one of those guys I could see Rory happy with in the end.
YES! Team Logan for life!
Oh, I do love the actress as well and she did make me laugh. I should clarify in that her character was the worse. It’s the same way I love Austen villains and their crazy hijinks (Mr. Collins for example) but loathe their character and would stay the hell away from if they were real people, lol.
There are many different parenting styles for many different children.
When I first came here, this was all swamp. Everyone said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built in all the same, just to show them. It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. And that one sank into the swamp. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, and then sank into the swamp. But the…
This is what happens when people think just electing the president is enough. You end up with Ryan and McConnell holding pregnant women currently or in danger of contracting Zika hostage to get to defund Planned Parenthood.
Even “safe” and consensual porn is often somewhat problematic, though. Firstly, of course, most of it is made from a male perspective, and so naturally the male in the average straight porn video is the character we’re expected to empathise with, while the women are there to satisfy him sexually, and are more…
While I’m not against porn myself, I’d also like to play devil’s advocate here: Blaming a single individual for this single crime is an over-simplification of the issue. Anti-porn advocates (along with many other perhaps more reasonable people) could point out that there are deeper cultural issues at play — the way…
I have a bit of an oily scalp, but try to protect my hair from too much heat damage by shampooing/blow-drying every other day rather than daily. On the in-between days, I use a few spritzes of dry shampoo, which noticeably freshens the appearance of my hair by soaking up that oil. I use Batiste; it’s my favorite. I…
“And I realized that barista not only held my coffee. But also the deepest needs of my soul. Taking the cup from him, I was in communion with a godhead that would free me and nourish me. Of course I didn’t tip him. That would have insulted the soul-work that we had performed together.”
Fun fact — when Vivien Leigh couldn’t summon a remotely believable retching sound for the turnip eating/fist shaking scene, Olivia stepped up and so that’s her we hear.
That’s why I pack all kinds of random shit under there, I tell everyone that it’s because I’m a slob, but really it’s so nobody can fit in there.
I had what he had. They are so good. The powered sugar and pastry thing I can't remember is amazing.
I mean, this isn’t the first time Pete Campbell’s baby mama kept her pregnancy and delivery a secret.
This is how I feel about my mother! Ive ended up in a career that I’m good at but find totally unfulfilling because of the pressure to perform. I think my mum would hate me if she knew who I really am because it would be a huge let down for her. It has taken me 30 years to find out who I am and trust my trueself.
i think you just described the relationship i have with my mom.
Yeah, that is my feeling. The guy was not dumb or legally unsophisticated, not by a mile. He could be very strategic about his music and career. I can only assume he decided something like, “I’m going to be upstairs, I can’t take it with me, so whatever.”