Who will play the Nazi officer she shacked up with to to keep her room at the Ritz?
Who will play the Nazi officer she shacked up with to to keep her room at the Ritz?
That’s so weird considering we all thought that was her bro’s dick.
Good lord I love me some Matt Lewis...
I’ve definitely been this melodramatic. THANK GOODNESS Twitter wasn’t a thing when I was 25, I wrote that shit in my diary, not on the intertubes.
She’s saying that it’s shitty for Taylor Swift to admonish people not to pit women against each other when Swift herself is making a ton of money off of “Bad Blood,” a song that pits women against each other.
OR, some people aren’t good at mating for life.
I sure hope Katie doesn’t mind being the butt of this joke!
You Grow Nothing, Jon Snow.
Alex is 300% more whiney than Piper. She’s still constantly whining that she was dumped eight years ago because she called her gf an asshole for not committing a felony. She’s crying about having to be in prison to Nicky (who is also in prison) when she was a hardcore drug trafficker for most of her life. When Piper…
Yeah sure is! One might start to think it’s a natural occurrence that happens to a sizable percentage of our population!
He is the kind of upper class twit who makes me do a mind-sick. And I also think he is probably very creepy and very quick at the sex. He looks like a perv and not in a good way.
Are you kidding me? She’s the one who wrote the song about her, talked about her on rolling stone... she’s very good at saying without saying. It’s all very high school. Everyone is pro taylor but I have never seen katy diss anyone directly in any of her songs or talked about her exes the way taylor does.
I agree with what a lot of commenters have said, but I’ll also add that’s thinness is an ideal because it ties into the puritanical idea that sex and sexiness is base and undignified. Flaunting curves is like flaunting sex—look at how Sports Illustrated models are sneered at by fashion elites. Its also no coincidence…
I can’t stand this guy or his show. He always reminds me of a licentious Roman emperor before a coliseum of rabid morons.
I have a story you will love. I know Sean very well and he has always been a dick. Many years ago my best friend and I used to prank call him for hours just to wind him up and hear him scream. We were merciless.