
I really didn’t need the peek into Jake from State Farm’s love life.

I’m going to have to try the coconut oil thing... I’ve started breaking out again. Which didn’t actually start happening for me until I was in my 30s... I mean, really? WTF is that!!

I also think the general public works with a pretty superficial definition of “mental illness” and “mentally ill.” My whole life has basically been a case study in the vastness and complexity of that category... One of my older siblings is schizophrenic; he was always the kindest and the least violent of my brothers.

I think the number of people holding their nose and voting for Hillary will far outnumber those supporting her ecstatically.

Thanks for that comment. I am only just now learning in the last year or so that that word is racially charged. Where I grew up, it was defined by violence just as you say. HOWEVER, that was also in tiny, white, rural America, so there weren’t really any black people around to aim it at anyway.

I’m not saying it can’t be coded language—I’m saying that it’s entirely too dependent on context for the word to be off limits at this point. It’s not the n-word, or even any of the other words on this list.

I fucking hated this scene and the aftermath in the books. It was some fucked up shit, especially with Claire telling Jamie she loved him all the while unable to STILL sit down on her horse days later because of the fucking welts.

Don't you mean rihport back?!

The picture is really in bad taste with the context she gave to it like "oh look another Vogue reader ha ha" however in a different context it is a good picture it really shows how ridiculously sad this society can be when you living on the streets can see a magazine where a single bag costs as much as a year's rent

Created an account just to say: THIS WOMAN!

I agree completely. The lack of willingness to see Richonne as a plausible couple is racially charged. But I think you underestimate how many ship that couple, even if it doesn't get much popular lip service. Personally, I think Rick wants someone who needs him as a protector. While Michonne deserves someone more

Fuck that.

Dunno, here he has crossed into Ted Knight territory. Because, 70s.

I like Stacey Dash more when she used to only say lines other people wrote for her.

It's not bad, man.

That smile tho


So let's see:

"And both girls died in a car accident on prom night" is what really did me in.

I find Billy Bob Thorton arrogant and creepy and intriguing all at the same time. Maybe because he's such a great actor. Did you hear his speech when he won the other night? He said thank you and that he isn't going to say any more than that because he's realized no matter what he says, it'll get him in trouble. I