
When things get psychological it can really get difficult. I had a lot of pain related anxiety that made even maintenance sex impossible for awhile but slowly, after PT and with lots of lube, things got marginally less painful and the anxiety gradually decreased. It's a tough thing to get through though!

My sister sat like this when we were kids, and I realized the last time I saw her 12-yr-old son that he sits the same way now! I don't know if maybe she still sits that way sometimes and he picked up on it, or if it's a weird genetic thing! Who knows?!

I'm impressed.

I'm almost wondering how he even ever had time to work. Was he just hanging out in his goddamn patchwork robe, raping people like constantly?

And he was sweaty. He put his sweaty armpit on the future whatever-the-non-queen-queen-title-is of England.

This is my favorite thing you write all year. The pathos, the whip-saw between guilt and desire, the bone deep self-loathing of comfortable white liberals. Soooo Good. fuck, I gotta go jerk off.

Now playing

Eddie Murphy's 80s bit from Raw on Cosby includes this quote about the advice Richard Pryor gave him: "Tell Bill I said have a Coke and a smile and shut the fuck up." This whole bit is GENIUS COMEDY PERFECTION.

Plus, and I hate that it's true, but given wages today lots of people working as grocery clerks probably could qualify for food stamps if they applied. Especially those with children. They too could be living high on the food stamp hog they have constructed in their minds.

I mean, your wedding day is one of the few days in your life you can get away with wearing a full-on gown, though. Rock that frock!

I feel kinda bad for Jesus for having to hear her go on about it for hours.

Where was the NRA in all of this? Oh that's right, the second amendment only applies to white people.

I was gonna say (before I went and read the real plot - ugh) that if this movie entails Kirk Cameron in a ratty Santa suit holding an axe, then I'm totally in.

Ok cool now somewhere in my vast collection of random iphone notes it will say "if sick see mama june gawker comment".

Life ends, so life is not real. I am a God, so my life will never end.

School is not authentic because it ends. It's not true, it's not real. Our learning will never end. The school that we go to every single morning, we will continue to go to.

Know what bothers me most about the Smiths? (And it's really not their fault but...)

If anyone gives you their 2 cents, just toss it back at them. They're overstepping boundaries. No need to freak out about it, just call them out and embarrass the shit out of them. Tell them to mind their own business right to their face.

I guess it would be fair to say Morales is low.

This. I have no fucks left to give for scandalized parents.