
I love you for saying this. Look, this Ghomeshi guy is surely a creep and probably a rapist, but for the love of pete, I don't need to hear the phrase "experienced kinkster and professional dominatrix" twice in as many paragraphs. (And "kinkster"? Really?)

I'm suspicious of anyone who blabs incessantly about how kinky they are. Everyone is quick to claim they have some kink or "fetish" these days. Getting aroused by titties, for instance, is not a "fetish;" hate to break it to you but you basic. And being a misogynist is not a protected sexual class. The More Sexually

Thanks for letting me know that "hubs" is frowned upon, though I'll probably forget because I don't care. Job well done, friend!

"the fact that a seriously un-funny show with questionable moral takeaway has even made it all the way to episode 4 is, frankly, pretty mind-blowing." pffft how long has "two and a half men" been on the air?

Five lousy years for killing a woman who was hiding in a bathroom from her supposed "boyfriend."

Thanks! It also paid for college and replaced my 20 year old clunker for a 10 years young vehicle so I'm not a saint or anything. But yes, all the babies for all the later mommies! I know bunches of late mothers, so it's not all dire. You're gonna be ok. *hugs*

Best of luck and fingers crossed for you! And to make you feel even better, she had my little sister at 40, both very healthy.

And thank YOU for sharing your experience. I see you as precisely where I'm likely to be in a decade. I'm 29 now, completely single, and not even considering kids for another decade (I need to get my career properly up and running, let alone meet someone and have some time together before kids). If I could afford it,

I don't think it's off-topic. Your situation is exactly why I'm an egg donor. Marriage and career is being pushed later and later with advanced degrees and extended adolescence and economic pressures, but our bodies are not keeping up with the times. Do it "wrong" and get pregnant when you're young and broke and

I'm so sorry for the lost, and I wish you the best of luck in conceiving.

I wish you the best of luck in getting pregnant! My mama tried 5 years before I finally popped out and I was totally, totally worth it :)

You've probably done this already but just-in-case: go see a fertility specialist now and have all the fertility tests done that they recommend. Fertility testing is diagnostic, so is often covered by your health insurance even if fertility treatment is not. Knowing how long you can keep trying without intervention is

I don't think this is off-topic at all. This highlights the fact that egg-freezing isn't a solution if people don't think they would need to freeze their eggs in the first place.

Oh Mandy Moore, 'I Wanna Be With You,' from the soundtrack of Academy Award Overlooked film Center Stage, is on the soundtrack of my life.

I love every single inch of that running suit

I think my dislike for Lena Dunham comes from being vaguely like her: a daughter of privilege who spent most of childhood and college writing self-indulgent, narcissistic personal essays. Eventually, I made the decision not to pursue that type of writing as a career — instead, I got a social science degree and a day

Haha. I totally get that someone wouldn't agree with my second paragraph. It's definitely my own silliness.

It's blatant medical malpractice because the company switched up the sperm vials. Do you really not want the company held accountable because they fucked up at their job?

I have never been able to sit through the totality either of The Fly or of Mr. Frost.

Tobias Menzies is KILLING IT.