
Thanks, it's my only art that I'm truly proud of.

I'm dying here

Well...Lindy West wrote a few articles when it was announced outraged by the casting. I have a lot of feelings about Mike Tyson, but in short, he's paid his debt for his crimes and if movies or television shows want to cast him in their work, that's their business, but consumers are also free to be upset by the

Because he isn't. In South Africa, you have to prove a danger to society exists to send someone to jail. Why Pistorius clearly has murdered someone, can we argue he is likely to do it again? And in short enough term that therapy, counseling, and possibly some socialization training wouldn't be a better fix?

Y'all is an excellent gender-neutral word EVERYONE should use. Keep it!

Bullet dodged, Bridget Moynahan.

this book almost literally destroyed me. i covered my face and heaved sobs for thirty minutes after i finished it. i was living with my parents at the time and they were very alarmed.

Phew. Thank goodness you found something to be offended by. That was a close one.

What makes the "gender gag" any more insulting than the notion that Kim K can read a book? Or that Aslan is less macho tough guy than we thought? They're all insults, they're jokes. Why are gender jokes not cool?


I like Tangled better, actually. Frozen is more polished and has more memorable songs.

what delusional creative decided "ohhh, sitting on a pile of broken down cardboard boxes? that will be PERFECT!" the vaguely homeless aesthetic is just inane

I can't get over his face and his voice combined. It's like a living Neanderthal. Or like a younger version of BOB from Twin Peaks.

I...can't. I do not find him attractive in any way. He looks like Carl the Giant from Big Fish.

I had something similar happen and my cat Noona alerted me to the creep. I was in the shower and my cat used to sit next to it while I showered. When my cat hid I knew someone was trying to see in my bathroom window. I left the shower running, ducked beneath the window and threw on some clothes. I grabbed a metal

It is wrong. Casablanca is the greatest movie ever, even greater than Citizen Kane. But it's okay, we all have our preferences. :)


Except for the scene where he beats her, of course. (I did eventually forgive him...300 pages later)

ETA: Thank the people on io9 for convincing me to finish the book. I was so so angry after the strapping scene and the rapey scene right after. SO ANGRY. But they all talked me into reading and 300 pages in, I

I hadn't thought much about Orlando Bloom in years but I instantly liked him better for taking a swing. And I don't even approve of violence in most situations.

This Virginian invites you all over for some libations and schadenfreude! Please bring that popcorn and cherry icee to share.