
Literal lol at Coldplay bringing in a young male audience.

I once mixed Cinnamon Toast Crunch and French Toast Crunch and called it the highest thing I ever did.

Dear Concerned Mom’s Son’s Girlfriend,

Lay on the couch -> Melt into couch -> Listen to Phish shows

This is a brutal take.

This is amazing. Thank you.

Definitely the latter; it can be seen in any light. (I totally fucked this up)

Any tips for a pan that was over-seasoned and now has a semi-thick layer of cooled oil on it? Heat and scrub?

What I listen to in the kitchen is pretty much what I always listen to: Phish

On top of being able to watch one of the best Phish shows of the last decade, the band is also helping raise money for a non-profit each week the “Dinner and a Movie” series runs. This week’s beneficiary is Hunger Free America. You can donate there or through Phish’s Waterwheel page.

I’ve found that, instead of checking after 10 minutes, you should flip your bacon after 10 minutes. Let it cook for another 5-6 minutes and it will come out perfect, with both sides cooked evenly.

Why is there a picture of tomato soup in a poorly formed bread bowl at the top of an article about pizza?

This is also a good idea if you’re a picky eater.


Send random, meaningless responses like, “Have we thought about X?” in big email chains. No one will actually pay attention to what you wrote, but everyone will see that you had something to say and think you’re invested.

In all seriousness, thank you immensely for posting a transcript of your podcast. That more people aren’t doing this is truly befuddling.

I think it’s finally time to start my “90s Kids Who Had to Wear Awful Glasses” support group...

The good thing is that it seems like glasses are more ubiquitous than they were when I started wearing them in the early 90s. Hell, people regularly lens-less glasses as fashion accessories now (which would have been unheard of to my young self). 

I was never made fun of for wearing glasses (in fact, I distinctly remember being excited to get my first pair)

It costs $13 to go see a movie?!?