I agree. It's the reason I've held on to the book all these years later; I sensed it might be needed one day.
I agree. It's the reason I've held on to the book all these years later; I sensed it might be needed one day.
This reminds me of a book I read in the post-Reagan early 90s, A Woman's Book of Choices: Abortion, Menstrual Extraction, RU-486, by Rebecca Chalker and Carol Downer, that explained "the safest and most effective of the techniques that can be performed on women by women, independently of any legal restrictions that…
Yeah, I know. But it was just one suggestion. Like you could substitute it for clip coupons, or buy your clothes at the thrift store. The main takeaway is, Stop injecting super expensive shit into your face in a hairbrained attempt to look like Kim Kardashian, which you don't and never will.
It's not that I don't think it's bad. I just don't think it's EXTREME debt. Like am I actually supposed to care that this dumb woman put herself 30K in the hole? She'll be fine.
boo hoo
oh FFS. The same people here who would be complaining about their 100K law school tuition loans are somehow bitching at me for daring to say that this woman is going to be just fine after 30K of having ass fat injected in her face. Show me an actual poor person 30 grand in the hole and I'll fucking care.
I'm your age (a year younger), fellow Gen Xer. I am not advocating anyone get themselves into 30K of debt for something as unnecessary as veneers and ass injections. I'm just saying it is not extreme — like, life-ruining, horrible, inextricable debt. 30K is what a lot 0f twenty somethings find themselves saddled with…
I am jealous. I barely touch mine because I want as much eyebrow as possible. I agree that waxing is fine if you have super-thick eyebrows …but maybe let those suckers be free? Giant eyebrows are fabulous.
/comments about how I am just jealous
/obvious boob jobs followed by numerous comments about how these could be real boobs
Yes, it is, otherwise I wouldn't have said it and 11 people so far wouldn't have agreed with me.
White girls with terrible eyebrows are really mad!
Speaking as a white girl, no, they are not. My white-girl eyebrows are superior to Lo''s caterpillar things. You seem pressed.
What IS it with this site being so aggressively anti-exercise?
Waxing is the worst way to do white girl eyebrows. If you want it done right, you take it slow with a tweezer. You're welcome.
Those eyebrows are tragic. Like, 1993-tragic.
He looks drunk. Also, magazine writers are the lowest. If you're going to bang a writer, all of whom are broke, it goes: serious nonfiction, serious fiction, old-school newspaper type reporters (most are dead now), memoirists, weirdos who write tech manuals, bloggers, self-helpers, copywriters, men's magazine writers.
Dude, he's a magazine writer. It's not like he's got any money … or prestige … and he's average-looking at best. 55-year-od magazine writers bang anyone who will let them. Laughing my "42YO" ass off.
John Casablancas was a teenager-fucking pig. He gave us Julian, but was otherwise a deplorable human being.
Horrible, racist woman. Rest in peace.